7358 Projects

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Id Name Description Website License Owner Last achieved at Tiered % Badge
5569 wyvern

A deno implementation of DraMa Spy backend server.

AGPL-3.0 Thejus Paul 21% Badge level for project 5569 is 21%
5570 Block Specimen Producer Agent

Decodes, packs, encodes, proves, stores and uploads block-replicas (primarily "block-specimens") produced by EVM or non-EVM byte code based blockchains.

https://www.covalenthq.com/network MIT Pranay Valson 84% Badge level for project 5570 is 84%
5571 public.locman.io https://github.com/ProductOfAmerica/public.locman.io Apache-2.0 ProductOfAmerica 15% Badge level for project 5571 is 15%
5572 iter8

Kubernetes release optimizer

https://iter8.tools Apache-2.0 Srinivasan Parthasarathy 58% Badge level for project 5572 is 58%
5574 dockerfiles

Dockerfiles for various things

https://hub.docker.com/r/jauderho BSD-3-Clause Jauder Ho 15% Badge level for project 5574 is 15%
5575 rekor-sidekick

🔍 Rekor transparency log monitoring and alerting

https://github.com/nsmith5/rekor-sidekick MIT Nathan Smith 16% Badge level for project 5575 is 16%
5576 kuma

🐻 The Universal Service Mesh. CNCF Sandbox Project.

https://kuma.io Apache-2.0 Charly Molter 2024-01-10 12:08:11 118% Badge level for project 5576 is 118%
5577 lowkey-vault

Lowkey Vault is a small test double for Azure Key Vault

https://github.com/nagyesta/lowkey-vault MIT Esta Nagy 2022-01-29 17:45:24 185% Badge level for project 5577 is 185%
5579 dotfiles

🦩 My overly complicated dotfiles

https://github.com/mr-mustash/dotfiles Patrick 13% Badge level for project 5579 is 13%
5580 taste-setup

The bootstrapping TASTE repository (see https://taste.tools)

https://github.com/ThibFrgsGmz/taste-setup Thibault 10% Badge level for project 5580 is 10%
5581 cFS

The Core Flight System (cFS)

https://github.com/ThibFrgsGmz/cFS Apache-2.0 Thibault 30% Badge level for project 5581 is 30%
5582 gng

GNG experiment

https://github.com/hunger/gng GPL-3.0-or-later Tobias Hunger 87% Badge level for project 5582 is 87%
5583 zoofs

zoofs is a Python library for performing feature selection using a variety of nature-inspired wrapper algorithms. The algorithms range from...

https://jaswinder9051998.github.io/zoofs Apache-2.0 Jaswinder Singh 84% Badge level for project 5583 is 84%
5584 caffeine

A high performance caching library for Java

https://github.com/ben-manes/caffeine Apache-2.0 Ben Manes 2022-01-31 05:43:59 300% Badge level for project 5584 is 300%
5585 OpenSTEF

OpenSTEF provides automated machine learning pipelines to deliver accurate, self-correcting and explainable forecasts of the load on the grid for the next 48...

https://github.com/OpenSTEF MPL-2.0 Jonas van den Bogaard 2022-04-15 12:45:07 105% Badge level for project 5585 is 105%
5586 environment-variable-settings-summary-intellij-plugin

A JetBrains IntelliJ IDEA plugin which provides a Settings Summary listing all Environment Variables

https://github.com/ChrisCarini/environment-variable-settings-summary-intellij-plugin Apache-2.0 Chris Carini 31% Badge level for project 5586 is 31%
5587 covid-19-dz

Covid-19 Cases in Algeria

https://github.com/Amine27/covid-19-dz MIT Amine Roukh 76% Badge level for project 5587 is 76%
5588 mco-mao


https://github.com/PinkJohnOfUs/kangoroo-cavity MIT kiki 15% Badge level for project 5588 is 15%
5589 webdriverio

Next-gen browser and mobile automation test framework for Node.js

https://webdriver.io MIT Christian Bromann 2022-02-01 21:47:08 107% Badge level for project 5589 is 107%
5590 -1 https://github.com/myu1003/-1 one顺达 10% Badge level for project 5590 is 10%
5591 IJPay

IJPay 让支付触手可及,封装了微信支付、QQ支付、支付宝支付、京东支付、银联支付、PayPal 支付等常用的支付方式以及各种常用的接口。不依赖任何第三方 mvc 框架,仅仅作为工具使用简单快速完成支付模块的开发,可轻松嵌入到任何系统里。右上角点下小星星✨

http://javen205.gitee.io/ijpay OTHER one顺达 15% Badge level for project 5591 is 15%
5592 duckdb_engine https://github.com/Mause/duckdb_engine MIT Elliana May 18% Badge level for project 5592 is 18%
5593 gt

Build display tables from tabular data with an easy-to-use set of functions using the R package called gt. With its progressive approach, we can construct...

https://github.com/rstudio/gt MIT Richard Iannone 2022-02-02 03:52:08 300% Badge level for project 5593 is 300%
5594 shivi28 https://github.com/shivi28/shivi28 Shivani Singhal 10% Badge level for project 5594 is 10%
5595 opencti

Open Cyber Threat Intelligence Platform

https://www.filigran.io/en/products/opencti Apache-2.0 2*yo 21% Badge level for project 5595 is 21%
5596 elesto

The ElestoDAO node

https://github.com/elesto-dao/elesto Apache-2.0 Andrea Giacobino 18% Badge level for project 5596 is 18%
5597 Perseo Complex Event Processing

Perseo is an Esper-based Complex Event Processing (CEP) software designed to be fully NGSI-v2-compliant. It uses NGSI-v2 as the communication protocol for...

https://github.com/telefonicaid/perseo-fe AGPL-3.0 mapedraza 2022-02-15 15:30:32 115% Badge level for project 5597 is 115%
5598 Implib.so

POSIX equivalent of Windows DLL import libraries

https://github.com/yugr/Implib.so MIT Yury Gribov 15% Badge level for project 5598 is 15%
5599 PostgREST

REST API for any Postgres database

https://postgrest.org MIT Wolfgang Walther 91% Badge level for project 5599 is 91%
5600 hedgedhttp

Hedged HTTP client which helps to reduce tail latency at scale.

https://github.com/cristalhq/hedgedhttp MIT Oleg Kovalov 15% Badge level for project 5600 is 15%

The "tiered %" field shows 300% for gold, 200% for silver, and 100% for passing, and adds progress after the highest-earned badge. You can also sort by the following: repository URL, create time (for the badge entry), last update time (for the badge entry), and user id