7579 Projects

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Id Name Description Website License Owner Last achieved at Tiered % Badge
1778 testWebServer

Just a test webserver

https://github.com/jensGiehl/testWebServer Jens Giehl 13% Badge level for project 1778 is 13%
1779 ptrpov.github.io

Just another repository

https://ptrpov.github.io OTHER Hgrpov 54% Badge level for project 1779 is 54%
1780 readme-inspector

Verify the existence—and quality—of README files on GitHub (Enterprise) repositories.

https://github.com/commonality/readme-inspector MIT Greg Swindle 2019-03-15 21:23:57 111% Badge level for project 1780 is 111%
1781 node-patternlibrary

Patternlibrary (npm: node-patternlibrary) is a pattern-library documentation generator for use with Node.

https://demo.patternlibrary.net Apache-2.0 Björn Bartels 16% Badge level for project 1781 is 16%
1782 CLI11

Command line parser for C++11

https://cliutils.gitlab.io/CLI11Tutorial BSD-3-Clause Henry Schreiner 96% Badge level for project 1782 is 96%
1783 KimFlixr https://gitlab.com/Kimous/KimFlixr LGPL-3.0 kimous 76% Badge level for project 1783 is 76%
1784 Strawberry Fields

Strawberry Fields is a full-stack Python library for designing, simulating, and optimizing continuous variable (CV) quantum optical circuits.

https://strawberryfields.readthedocs.io Apache-2.0 Josh Izaac 33% Badge level for project 1784 is 33%
1785 fabric8-maven-plugin

Maven plugin for getting your Java apps on to Kubernetes and OpenShift

https://maven.fabric8.io Rohan Kumar 16% Badge level for project 1785 is 16%
1787 ormpb

Go ORM Implementation based on Protocol Buffer Definition

https://github.com/gophersbd/ormpb MIT Sadlil Rhythom 18% Badge level for project 1787 is 18%
1788 simple-dash

A simple, fully responsive Dashboard to forward to the services of your choice!

https://github.com/Swagielka/simple-dash MIT Kukielka 19% Badge level for project 1788 is 19%
1789 ELK-rails-monitoring

A guide for monitoring a rails app using the ELK stack

https://github.com/benzsystems/ELK-rails-monitoring MIT Mohamed Sadok BEN JAZIA 15% Badge level for project 1789 is 15%
1791 algorithms-in-golang

All algorithms + data structures in go

https://github.com/itnilesh/algorithms-in-golang Apache-2.0 Nilesh Salpe 15% Badge level for project 1791 is 15%
1792 teach_me https://gitlab.com/rajkumar_crystaldelta/teach_me Raj 15% Badge level for project 1792 is 15%
1794 PitE-TicTacToe

2nd Assignment of the course "Python in the Enterprise"

https://github.com/mark91m12/PitE-TicTacToe M1r34 10% Badge level for project 1794 is 10%
1797 techfantasm http://techfantasm.cf techfantasm 1% Badge level for project 1797 is 1%
1798 gan-hattra-api https://github.com/rayandrews/gan-hattra-api Ray Andrew 10% Badge level for project 1798 is 10%
1799 ONAP AAI Rest Client

This library provides a single client implementation to be used by AAI micro services for communicating via its REST API.

https://gerrit.onap.org/r/#/admin/projects/aai/rest-client Apache-2.0 mrsjackson76 2018-04-30 14:20:50 182% Badge level for project 1799 is 182%
1803 commons-text

Mirror of Apache Commons Text

https://github.com/chtompki/commons-text OTHER Rob Tompkins 16% Badge level for project 1803 is 16%
1804 dummyDoll

just a dummy doll

https://github.com/mohamedmahmoud97/dummyDoll MIT Mohamed Mahmoud 15% Badge level for project 1804 is 15%
1805 bottle-cork

Authentication module for the Bottle and Flask web frameworks

http://cork.firelet.net LGPL-3.0 Federico Ceratto 48% Badge level for project 1805 is 48%
1807 vinnie

VIN decoder

https://github.com/clpo13/vinnie MIT Cody Logan 2018-04-27 23:43:20 109% Badge level for project 1807 is 109%
1808 dotemacs

My .emacs.el file.

https://github.com/bzg/dotemacs Bastien 10% Badge level for project 1808 is 10%
1809 TinyLanding

Your landing page and leads manager out-of-the-box with Node.js+Express

https://www.tinylanding.site MIT Pasqualino de Simone 18% Badge level for project 1809 is 18%
1810 prometheus-msteams https://github.com/bzon/prometheus-msteams MIT Bryan Sazon 18% Badge level for project 1810 is 18%
1811 cff-converter-python

read CFF formatted CITATION file from a GitHub url and convert it to BibTex and other formats

https://github.com/citation-file-format/cff-converter-python Apache-2.0 Jurriaan H. Spaaks 82% Badge level for project 1811 is 82%
1812 framework https://github.com/amarteleto/framework Apache-2.0 Anderson A. Marteleto 19% Badge level for project 1812 is 19%
1813 locadora https://github.com/amarteleto/locadora Apache-2.0 Anderson A. Marteleto 19% Badge level for project 1813 is 19%
1814 libPOSIX

Posix .1b OS abstraction API for OS, Events, Timers, syscalls, file systems, ... more to come

https://github.com/DevNaga/libPOSIX MIT MADMAX 36% Badge level for project 1814 is 36%
1816 myci


https://github.com/sighttviewliu/myci michael 24% Badge level for project 1816 is 24%
1817 datamap

Collaborative web tool to build simple data tables

https://github.com/bzg/datamap EPL-2.0 Bastien 13% Badge level for project 1817 is 13%

The "tiered %" field shows 300% for gold, 200% for silver, and 100% for passing, and adds progress after the highest-earned badge. You can also sort by the following: repository URL, create time (for the badge entry), last update time (for the badge entry), and user id