Id | Name | Description | Website | License | Owner | Last achieved at | Tiered % | Badge |
2040 | circumplex | R Package for the Analysis and Visualization of Circumplex Data |
https://circumplex. |
GPL-3.0 | Jeffrey M Girard | 51% | ||
2041 | fixedWidth | R Package for saving fixed width files |
https://github. |
LGPL-3.0 | Jeston | 2018-08-10 12:45:47 | 105% | |
2042 | rise | RISE Analysis in R |
https://github. |
OTHER | David Wiley | 13% | ||
2043 | GLPI | GLPI is a Free Asset and IT Management Software package,ITIL Service Desk, licenses tracking and software auditing. |
https://glpi- |
GPL-2.0 | flegastelois | 2023-10-04 07:45:51 | 107% | |
2044 | dupRadar | Duplication rate quality control for RNA-Seq datasets. |
http://bioconductor. |
GPL-3.0-or-later | ssayols | 34% | ||
2045 | issues | Vincent Bonhomme | 6% | |||||
2046 | nomacs | nomacs is a free image viewer for windows, linux, and mac systems. |
https://nomacs. |
GPL-3.0-or-later | Markus Diem | 43% | ||
2047 | plantecophys | Analysing and Modelling Leaf Gas Exchange Data in R |
http://remkoduursma. |
Remko Duursma | 10% | |||
2048 | lifecontingencies | Financial and Actuarial Mathematics for Life Contingencies |
https://github. |
Giorgio Alfredo Spedicato | 15% | |||
2049 | labelVector | Label Attributes for Atomic Vectors |
https://github. |
OTHER | Benjamin | 87% | ||
2050 | RDML | RDML data import for R |
https://github. |
MIT | Konstantin Blagodatskikh | 18% | ||
2053 | DataExplorer | R package to automate Data Exploration and Treatment |
https://boxuancui. |
MIT | Boxuan Cui | 2018-10-19 02:48:07 | 107% | |
2054 | PKNCA | An R package is designed to perform all noncompartmental analysis (NCA) calculations for pharmacokinetic (PK) data. |
https://github. |
AGPL-3.0-only | Bill Denney | 2018-07-31 18:10:58 | 167% | |
2055 | BAS | R package BAS: Bayesian Variable Selection and Model Averaging using Bayesian Adaptive Sampling |
https://github. |
GPL-3.0-or-later | Merlise Clyde | 2018-07-31 21:42:45 | 300% | |
2056 | earthEngineGrabR |
https://github. |
JesJehle | 10% | ||||
2057 | DALEX | Descriptive mAchine Learning EXplanations |
https://pbiecek. |
Przemysław Biecek | 13% | |||
2058 | adapr | next gen ADAP |
https://github. |
gelfondjal | 10% | |||
2059 | DSAIDE | R Package - Dynamical Systems Approach to Infectious Disease Epidemiology |
https://ahgroup. |
GPL-3.0-only | Andreas Handel | 54% | ||
2060 | BrailleR | An add-on package for R primarily aimed at improving access to R for blind users. The package contains tools and functions that will help get a student... |
https://github. |
Jonathan Godfrey | 84% | |||
2061 | CAISEr | CAISEr - Comparison of algorithms with Iterative Sample size Estimation in R |
https://github. |
Felipe Campelo | 13% | |||
2062 | NUCOMBog | NUCOMBog R package |
https://github. |
Jeroen Pullens | 25% | |||
2063 | RDaisy | R package to run the Daisy model |
https://github. |
GPL-3.0 | Jeroen Pullens | 15% | ||
2064 | algernon | Web server with built-in support for QUIC, HTTP/2, Lua, Markdown, Pongo2 and HyperApp |
https://algernon. |
MIT | Alexander F. Rødseth | 16% | ||
2065 | CrossClustering | CrossClustering: a partial clustering algorithm with automatic estimation of the number of clusters and identification of outliers. |
https://github. |
GPL-3.0-or-later | Corrado Lanera | 34% | ||
2066 | MagicHelpR | R package for QTL mapping in multiparent intercross (MAGIC) lines |
https://tavareshugo. |
GPL-3.0-only | Hugo Tavares | 16% | ||
2067 | dockerhub- |
Docker hub webhook |
https://github. |
rmsz005 | 10% | |||
2068 | VIM | This package introduces new tools for the visualization of missing and/or imputed values, which can be used for exploring the data and the structure of the... |
https://github. |
Alexander Kowarik | 30% | |||
2069 | antaresRead | Import, manipulate and explore the results of an Antares simulation |
https://github. |
Jalal Edine Zawam | 13% | |||
2070 | OneR | This R package implements the One Rule (OneR) Machine Learning classification algorithm with enhancements for sophisticated handling of numeric data and... |
https://github. |
OTHER | vonjd | 15% | ||
2071 | opensource. |
Community guides for open source creators |
https://opensource. |
CC-BY-4.0 | Andi HARPIANTO | 18% |
The "tiered %" field shows 300% for gold, 200% for silver, and 100% for passing, and adds progress after the highest-earned badge. You can also sort by the following: repository URL, create time (for the badge entry), last update time (for the badge entry), and user id