7954 Projects

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Id Name Description Website License Owner Last achieved at Tiered % Badge
2007 cinquantenneBot

This bot simulate a tipically behavior of old people on internet

https://github.com/crakdelpol/cinquantenneBot MIT Matteo 15% Badge level for project 2007 is 15%
2008 HowTravel

Sito per raggruppare diversi siti di trasporto viaggi

https://crakdelpol.github.io/HowTravel MIT Matteo 13% Badge level for project 2008 is 13%
2009 airship-shipyard

A cluster lifecycle orchestrator for Airship.

http://www.airshipit.org Apache-2.0 narendra choudhary 16% Badge level for project 2009 is 16%
2010 sigseg

Automated Time Series Segmentation for Nonparametric IRT Tests

https://github.com/increasechief/sigseg GPL-2.0 Oliver Dechant 30% Badge level for project 2010 is 30%
2011 Delaporte

Delaporte is an R package which provides the probability mass, distribution, quantile, random variate generation, and method of moments parameter estimation...

https://github.com/aadler/Delaporte BSD-2-Clause Avraham Adler 2018-11-21 04:26:03 283% Badge level for project 2011 is 283%
2012 Almanac

A funny terminal based programmer almanac.

https://github.com/Rugal/Almanac MIT Rugal Bernstein 81% Badge level for project 2012 is 81%
2013 airship-promenade

A declarative framework for resilient Kubernetes deployment.

http://www.airshipit.org Apache-2.0 narendra choudhary 16% Badge level for project 2013 is 16%
2014 airship-deckhand

A configuration management service with support for secrets.

https://www.airshipit.org Apache-2.0 narendra choudhary 81% Badge level for project 2014 is 81%
2015 airship-divingbell

A lightweight solution for configuration of baremetal nodes.

http://www.airshipit.org Apache-2.0 narendra choudhary 75% Badge level for project 2015 is 75%
2016 airship-berth

A minimalist VM runner for Kubernetes using Helm.

http://www.airshipit.org Apache-2.0 narendra choudhary 75% Badge level for project 2016 is 75%
2017 airship-maas

Kubernetes deployment artifacts for Canonical's MaaS.

http://www.airshipit.org Apache-2.0 narendra choudhary 18% Badge level for project 2017 is 18%
2018 airship-pegleg

A configuration organization tool.

http://www.airshipit.org Apache-2.0 narendra choudhary 34% Badge level for project 2018 is 34%
2019 chromastar

Stellar Atmospheric Modelling in R

https://github.com/sevenian3/ChromaStarPy MIT Oliver Dechant 15% Badge level for project 2019 is 15%
2021 ctguard

small hids

https://github.com/cgzones/ctguard MIT cgzones 19% Badge level for project 2021 is 19%
2022 lamW

lamW is an R package which calculates the real-valued branches of the Lambert-W function.

https://github.com/aadler/lamW BSD-2-Clause Avraham Adler 2022-08-31 17:10:30 287% Badge level for project 2022 is 287%
2023 mqttfaas

Run functions on MQTT message

https://sks.github.io/mqttfaas Apache-2.0 Sabith Karippullil Soopy 19% Badge level for project 2023 is 19%
2025 googleAnalyticsR

A new Google Analytics R library using googleAuthR and v4 of the reporting API

https://code.markedmondson.me/googleAnalyticsR MIT Mark 2020-05-28 10:02:28 109% Badge level for project 2025 is 109%
2026 egor

R Package for importing and analysing ego-centered-network data.

http://tilltnet.github.io/egor Till Krenz 33% Badge level for project 2026 is 33%
2027 rmapshaper

An R wrapper for the mapshaper javascript library

https://github.com/ateucher/rmapshaper OTHER Andy Teucher 15% Badge level for project 2027 is 15%
2028 LendingClub

A R wrapper for the Lending Club API. The package allows you to manage the funds in your investor account and to make trading transactions.

http://ryankuhn.net/LendingClub MIT Ryan Kuhn 40% Badge level for project 2028 is 40%
2029 mgsub

A safe, multiple, simultaneous string substitution

https://github.com/bmewing/mgsub MIT Mark Ewing 2020-07-21 13:25:18 109% Badge level for project 2029 is 109%
2030 datafabricjava - 4% Badge level for project 2030 is 4%
2031 cregg

Simple Conjoint Analyses, Tidying, and Visualization

https://github.com/leeper/cregg MIT Thomas J. Leeper 48% Badge level for project 2031 is 48%
2033 pade

An R package which when given a vector of Taylor series coefficients of sufficient length as input, the function returns the numerator and denominator...

https://github.com/aadler/Pade GPL-2.0-or-later OR BSD 2-Clause Avraham Adler 2018-11-21 04:27:17 274% Badge level for project 2033 is 274%
2034 biolink

R package for creating hyperlinks to biological databases and resources

https://github.com/aaronwolen/biolink OTHER Aaron Wolen 15% Badge level for project 2034 is 15%
2035 styler

Non-invasive pretty printing of R code

http://styler.r-lib.org GPL-2.0+ Lorenz Walthert 28% Badge level for project 2035 is 28%
2036 PGRdup

Discover Probable Duplicates in Plant Genetic Resources Collections

https://aravind-j.github.io/PGRdup GPL-2.0-or-later J. Aravind 33% Badge level for project 2036 is 33%
2037 exuber

Econometric Analysis of Explosive Time Series

https://github.com/kvasilopoulos/exuber OTHER Kostas Vasilopoulos 13% Badge level for project 2037 is 13%
2038 MBSStools

Suite of tools for data manipulation and calculations for Maryland DNR MBSS program.

https://github.com/leppott/MBSStools MIT Erik Leppo 52% Badge level for project 2038 is 52%
2039 AiLibrary

C++ Library from Ailurus Studio

https://starobinskii.github.io/AiLibrary BSD-3-Clause Egor Starobinskii 87% Badge level for project 2039 is 87%

The "tiered %" field shows 300% for gold, 200% for silver, and 100% for passing, and adds progress after the highest-earned badge. You can also sort by the following: repository URL, create time (for the badge entry), last update time (for the badge entry) y user id