6999 Projects

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Id Name Description Website License Owner Last achieved at Tiered % Badge
6219 OpenCost

Cost monitoring for Kubernetes workloads and cloud costs

https://opencost.io Apache-2.0 Alex Thilen 93% Badge level for project 6219 is 93%
6220 unordered_dense

A fast & densely stored hashmap and hashset based on robin-hood backward shift deletion

https://github.com/martinus/unordered_dense MIT Martin Ankerl 2022-07-01 11:10:49 107% Badge level for project 6220 is 107%
6221 minimal

What the Package Does Using Title Case

https://github.com/D-Se/minimal Donald Seinen 10% Badge level for project 6221 is 10%
6222 xiangqi

R xiangqi utilities

https://github.com/D-Se/xiangqi OTHER Donald Seinen 13% Badge level for project 6222 is 13%
6223 ML

Enterprise-like Machine Learning Analysis Compendium

https://github.com/D-Se/ML Donald Seinen 12% Badge level for project 6223 is 12%
6225 mocha

HTTP Mocking Tool for Go

https://pkg.go.dev/github.com/vitorsalgado/mocha MIT Vitor Hugo Salgado 22% Badge level for project 6225 is 22%
6226 LoveHue

A relationship app, to connect to your partner and keep track of your relationship satisfaction in various areas.

https://github.com/clukes/LoveHue Conner Lukes 12% Badge level for project 6226 is 12%
6227 urllib3

Python HTTP library with thread-safe connection pooling, file post support, user friendly, and more.

https://urllib3.readthedocs.io MIT Seth Michael Larson 2022-07-28 02:57:26 164% Badge level for project 6227 is 164%
6228 go-junit-report

Convert Go test output to JUnit XML

https://github.com/jstemmer/go-junit-report MIT jstemmer 33% Badge level for project 6228 is 33%
6229 DPS8M

GE / Honeywell / Bull DPS‑8/M mainframe simulator

https://dps8m.gitlab.io ICU Jeffrey H. Johnson 2022-10-09 07:29:40 162% Badge level for project 6229 is 162%
6230 ydb-go-sdk

Native go's driver for YDB

https://github.com/ydb-platform/ydb-go-sdk Apache-2.0 Aleksey Myasnikov 70% Badge level for project 6230 is 70%
6231 previewd

A daemon for managing rendering for static sites and blogs using kubernetes

https://github.com/clarkezone/previewd Apache-2.0 James Clarke 19% Badge level for project 6231 is 19%
6232 cubefs

CubeFS is a cloud native distributed storage platform.

https://github.com/cubefs/cubefs Apache-2.0 leon chang 2022-10-24 10:49:51 107% Badge level for project 6232 is 107%
6233 anime-search https://github.com/xFutuxe/anime-search xFutuxe 10% Badge level for project 6233 is 10%
6234 Pa11y HTML Reporter Plus

A Pa11y HTML reporter with enhanced support for all runners, including links to relevant help, and the ability to filter a11y issues by type.

https://gitlab.com/gitlab-ci-utils/pa11y-reporter-html-plus MIT Aaron Goldenthal 2022-07-05 00:27:28 173% Badge level for project 6234 is 173%
6235 cubefs https://github.com/cubefs/cubefs xiaochunhe 3% Badge level for project 6235 is 3%
6236 pycryptoki

Python interface to SafeNet's PKCS11 library implementation

https://github.com/ThalesGroup/pycryptoki Apache-2.0 Sébastien LEJEUNE 2022-07-14 16:32:10 111% Badge level for project 6236 is 111%
6237 book-management https://github.com/tuanlc/book-management MIT Lê Công Tuấn 15% Badge level for project 6237 is 15%
6238 iotedge-lorawan-starterkit

Experimental sample implementation of LoRaWAN components to connect LoRaWAN antenna gateway running IoT Edge directly with Azure IoT.

https://azure.github.io/iotedge-lorawan-starterkit MIT Roel Fauconnier 73% Badge level for project 6238 is 73%
6239 tack

tack is a static site generator.

https://burningsoda.com/software/tack MIT Robert Lillack 75% Badge level for project 6239 is 75%
6240 spec

OpenFeature specification

https://openfeature.dev Apache-2.0 Michael Beemer 2024-01-16 15:44:07 107% Badge level for project 6240 is 107%
6241 java-sdk

Java implementation of the OpenFeature SDK

https://openfeature.dev Apache-2.0 Justin Abrahms 2022-08-08 16:08:40 105% Badge level for project 6241 is 105%
6242 mdanalysis

MDAnalysis is a Python library to analyze molecular dynamics simulations.

https://mdanalysis.org GPL-2.0-or-later Oliver Beckstein 96% Badge level for project 6242 is 96%
6243 sealos

kubernetes-kernel-based cloud os! Let's sealos run kubernetes and applications.

https://sealos.io Apache-2.0 cuisongliu 18% Badge level for project 6243 is 18%
6244 mctq

Tools to process the Munich ChronoType Questionnaire (MCTQ).

https://docs.ropensci.org/mctq MIT Daniel Vartanian 2022-07-06 20:28:48 189% Badge level for project 6244 is 189%
6245 kubegems https://github.com/kubegems/kubegems LinkMaq 3% Badge level for project 6245 is 3%
6246 JobApplicationManager

Helps finding jobs, writing and managing Job Applications.

https://dev.azure.com/saigkill/JobApplicationManager Sascha Manns 3% Badge level for project 6246 is 3%
6250 dotnet-sdk

.NET implementation of the OpenFeature SDK

https://openfeature.dev Apache-2.0 Benjamin Evenson 2024-01-28 07:22:10 107% Badge level for project 6250 is 107%
6251 Byte Buddy

Runtime code generation for the Java virtual machine.

https://bytebuddy.net Apache-2.0 Rafael Winterhalter 2022-07-16 19:54:05 180% Badge level for project 6251 is 180%
6252 e2e-framework

A Go framework for end-to-end testing of components running in Kubernetes clusters.

https://github.com/harshanarayana/e2e-framework Apache-2.0 Harsha Narayana 18% Badge level for project 6252 is 18%

The "tiered %" field shows 300% for gold, 200% for silver, and 100% for passing, and adds progress after the highest-earned badge. You can also sort by the following: repository URL, create time (for the badge entry), last update time (for the badge entry), and user id