7358 Projects

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Id Name Description Website License Owner Last achieved at Tiered % Badge
6074 cport

Source code for CPORT

https://github.com/haddocking/cport Apache-2.0 Rodrigo V Honorato 78% Badge level for project 6074 is 78%
6075 l3afd

L3AFD is the primary component of the L3AF control plane. L3AFD is a daemon that orchestrates and manages multiple eBPF programs. L3AFD runs on each node...

https://l3af.io Apache-2.0 Santhosh Fernandes 2024-01-30 15:44:00 147% Badge level for project 6075 is 147%
6076 presidio

Context aware, pluggable and customizable data protection and anonymization SDK for text and images

https://github.com/microsoft/presidio MIT Avishay Balter 2022-06-01 09:22:13 111% Badge level for project 6076 is 111%
6078 numaflow

Kubernetes-native platform to run massively parallel streaming jobs

https://github.com/numaproj/numaflow Apache-2.0 Derek Wang 2022-06-22 03:04:29 107% Badge level for project 6078 is 107%
6079 runitor

A command runner with healthchecks.io integration

https://bdd.fi/x/runitor 0BSD Berk D. Demir 2022-05-30 05:00:15 107% Badge level for project 6079 is 107%
6080 comment-test-coverage

This GitHub action converts a SARIF file with security vulnerability findings into a PR comment with the @security-alert/sarif-to-comment NPM package.

https://github.com/sett-and-hive/comment-test-coverage MIT Tom Willis 2022-05-29 23:29:49 104% Badge level for project 6080 is 104%
6081 sarif-to-issue-action

This GitHub action converts a SARIF file with security vulnerability findings into an issue with the @security-alert/sarif-to-issue NPM package.

https://github.com/tomwillis608/sarif-to-issue-action MIT Tom Willis 2022-05-30 02:04:29 105% Badge level for project 6081 is 105%
6082 Elyra visual NLP Editor

Visual Editor for Natural Language Processing pipelines

https://github.com/elyra-ai/nlp-editor Apache-2.0 Romeo Kienzler 24% Badge level for project 6082 is 24%
6083 Component Library for AI, ML, ETL and Data science

It is a set of re-usable coarse-grained components (just a bunch of code), so think of tasks, not functions (e.g. read from database, transform data, train...

https://github.com/IBM/claimed Apache-2.0 Romeo Kienzler 24% Badge level for project 6083 is 24%
6084 TKCompanionApp

A short and small helper for Toyota Kata practitioners

https://github.com/marcoXbresciani/TKCompanionApp GPL-3.0+ Marco Bresciani 90% Badge level for project 6084 is 90%
6085 anoncam https://github.com/anoncam/anoncam Cameron Banowsky 10% Badge level for project 6085 is 10%
6086 Mellium

An implementation of the Extensible Messaging and Presence Protocol (XMPP) in Go.

https://mellium.im BSD-2-Clause Sam Whited 2022-05-30 22:53:50 196% Badge level for project 6086 is 196%
6087 community-images

RapidFort hardened secure images

https://www.rapidfort.com MIT Vinod Gupta 2022-05-30 23:41:20 107% Badge level for project 6087 is 107%
6088 binextractor

extract binaries from container images

https://github.com/rjbrown57/binextractor Apache-2.0 rjbrown57 15% Badge level for project 6088 is 15%
6089 binman

Github Binary Release manager

https://github.com/rjbrown57/binman rjbrown57 12% Badge level for project 6089 is 12%
6090 BetonQuest

An advanced and powerful quest scripting plugin for Minecraft. Features built-in RPG style conversations and integration for over 30+ other plugins.

https://docs.betonquest.org/2.0.0-DEV GPL-3.0 SaltyAimbOtter 49% Badge level for project 6090 is 49%
6091 svector

Compact SVO optimized vector C++17 or higher

https://github.com/martinus/svector MIT Martin Ankerl 2022-06-01 16:39:40 120% Badge level for project 6091 is 120%
6092 kong-elastic-apm

This plugin enable the open telemetry feature on the Kong gateway to feed the Elastic Application Performance Monitoring solution. This plugin written in Go,...

https://github.com/matthyx/kong-elastic-apm Apache-2.0 Matthias Bertschy 42% Badge level for project 6092 is 42%
6093 HPX

The C++ Standard Library for Parallelism and Concurrency

https://hpx.stellar-group.org BSL-1.0 Hartmut Kaiser 2022-06-01 17:53:19 184% Badge level for project 6093 is 184%
6094 nativefier

Make any web page a desktop application

https://github.com/nativefier/nativefier MIT Matthew Ruzzi 46% Badge level for project 6094 is 46%
6095 FlexMeasures

The intelligent & developer-friendly EMS to support real-time energy flexibility apps, rapidly and scalable.

https://flexmeasures.io Apache-2.0 Felix Claessen 2022-06-02 09:10:39 124% Badge level for project 6095 is 124%
6096 GNU libmicrohttpd

GNU libmicrohttpd is a small C library that is supposed to make it easy to run an HTTP server as part of another application.

https://gnu.org/s/libmicrohttpd LGPL-2.1-or-later OR GPL-2.0-or-later WITH eCos-exception-2.0 Karlson2k 96% Badge level for project 6096 is 96%
6097 A4963

Allegro MicroSystems A4963 Driver Software for MCP2210 and Atmega32u4

https://github.com/SetZero/A4963 MIT Sebastian 18% Badge level for project 6097 is 18%
6098 GATAV_REMAKE https://github.com/SetZero/GATAV_REMAKE Sebastian 10% Badge level for project 6098 is 10%
6099 lkars

Linux Kernel to Access Record Sensor data

https://github.com/Tearran/lkars GPL-2.0 Joseph Turner 15% Badge level for project 6099 is 15%
6100 KillerX-Music

Telegram Group Calls Streaming bot with some useful features, written in Python with Pyrogram and Py-Tgcalls. Supporting platforms like Youtube, Spotify,...

https://github.com/Randi356/KillerX-Music Cute Inspire 24% Badge level for project 6100 is 24%
6101 kepubify

Fast, standalone EPUB to Kobo EPUB conversion tool.

https://pgaskin.net/kepubify MIT Patrick Gaskin 78% Badge level for project 6101 is 78%
6102 koanf https://github.com/knadh/koanf Amar Prakash Pandey 3% Badge level for project 6102 is 3%
6103 utftp

A trivial implementation of TFTP.

https://github.com/yogo1212/utftp UNLICENSE Leon George 16% Badge level for project 6103 is 16%
6104 PeriHPX

Implementation of finite element and finite difference approximation of Nonlocal models

https://perihpx.stellar-group.org BSL-1.0 Patrick Diehl 78% Badge level for project 6104 is 78%

The "tiered %" field shows 300% for gold, 200% for silver, and 100% for passing, and adds progress after the highest-earned badge. You can also sort by the following: repository URL, create time (for the badge entry), last update time (for the badge entry), and user id