7579 Projects

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Id Name Description Website License Owner Last achieved at Tiered % Badge
3174 Hyperledger Besu

Hyperledger Besu is an open source Ethereum client developed under the Apache 2.0 license and written in Java. It can be run on the Ethereum public network...

https://github.com/hyperledger/besu Apache-2.0 gmhartley53 2019-09-20 15:52:25 109% Badge level for project 3174 is 109%
3175 api.huck.com.ar https://gitlab.com/huck-electronics/webs/api.huck.com.ar Marcos Huck 3% Badge level for project 3175 is 3%
3176 WDLCT

WDLC All-In-One Timer is a five-in-one timer application that enables users to break users away from their computers. It also has a timer, stopwatch, and...

https://github.com/panthersdude2001/WDLCT GPL-3.0 Bryce M 2019-09-11 20:41:47 111% Badge level for project 3176 is 111%
3177 Quadcopter

Repository for the Quadcopter project.

https://github.com/milanvarghese/Quadcopter GPL-3.0 Milan 36% Badge level for project 3177 is 36%
3178 msigdbr

MSigDB Gene Sets for Multiple Organisms in a Tidy Data Format

https://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/msigdbr/vignettes/msigdbr-intro.html MIT igor 64% Badge level for project 3178 is 64%
3179 hate_crack

A tool for automating cracking methodologies through Hashcat from the TrustedSec team.

https://www.trustedsec.com Kellermann Robert 10% Badge level for project 3179 is 10%
3180 AzureResourceCleanup

Cleanup your azure resources automatically on a regular schedule

https://github.com/sai-manoj-kumar/AzureResourceCleanup Sai Manoj Kumar Yadlapati 10% Badge level for project 3180 is 10%
3181 gargar https://gitlab.com/kifouren/gargar timas130 3% Badge level for project 3181 is 3%
3182 nothing-private

Do you think you are safe using private browsing or incognito mode?. This will prove that you're wrong. This project is a proof of concept that any website...

https://nothingprivate.ml GPL-3.0 Gautam krishna R 2020-11-14 09:05:35 105% Badge level for project 3182 is 105%
3183 LEDSpicer

LEDSpicer a LED Animator and Controller for Linux

https://sourceforge.net/projects/ledspicer GPL-3.0 Patricio Rossi 88% Badge level for project 3183 is 88%
3184 python-samples

Useful Python Sample Codes

https://github.com/akashtalole/python-samples MIT Akash Talole 16% Badge level for project 3184 is 16%
3185 python-flask-restful-api

Restful Python Flask API

https://github.com/akashtalole/python-flask-restful-api MIT Akash Talole 15% Badge level for project 3185 is 15%
3186 Open Alliance for Cloud Adoption

The OACA is community-led Linux Foundation project to enable innovative, safe and agile use of cloud computing for business value.

OACA is driven by the...

https://www.oaca-project.org Creative Commons Attribution +ShareAlike (BY-SA) Mark Williams 82% Badge level for project 3186 is 82%
3188 data-as-a-science

Lesson guide and textbook for "Data as a Science" course.

https://github.com/whythawk/data-as-a-science Gavin Chait 10% Badge level for project 3188 is 10%
3189 titan

An OCI & Docker Compliant Image Registry

https://github.com/atlaskerr/titan Apache-2.0 Atlas Kerr 18% Badge level for project 3189 is 18%
3190 HK News Web

Serves aggregated news from 10+ local news publishers in Hong Kong. Made with ❤

https://github.com/ayltai/hknews-web Apache-2.0 Alan Tai 90% Badge level for project 3190 is 90%
3192 etcd

Distributed reliable key-value store for the most critical data of a distributed system

https://etcd.io Apache-2.0 Gyuho Lee 2019-09-19 19:26:57 105% Badge level for project 3192 is 105%
3193 cf-puppeteer

CF-Puppeteer is a zero-downtime deployment plugin bases on autopilot

https://cf-puppeteer.happytobi.com Apache-2.0 HappyTobi 16% Badge level for project 3193 is 16%
3194 bsa

Bethesda Softworks Archive (BSA) manipulation library

https://github.com/CJKay/bsa MIT Chris Kay 15% Badge level for project 3194 is 15%
3195 ulfius

Web Framework to build REST APIs, Webservices or any HTTP endpoint in C language. Can stream large amount of data, integrate JSON data with Jansson, and...

https://babelouest.github.io/ulfius LGPL-2.1 Nicolas Mora 2019-12-06 00:30:06 105% Badge level for project 3195 is 105%
3197 Open Source Event Manager

An event management tool tailored to Free and Open Source Software conferences.

https://osem.io MIT Henne Vogelsang 33% Badge level for project 3197 is 33%
3198 sfdx-git-delta

Generate the sfdx content in source format from two git commits

https://github.com/scolladon/sfdx-git-delta MIT Sebastien 15% Badge level for project 3198 is 15%
3199 mindsdb

Framework to streamline use of neural networks

http://mindsdb.com MIT Zoran Pandovski 15% Badge level for project 3199 is 15%
3200 react-rainbow

React Rainbow Components. Build your web application in a snap.

https://react-rainbow.web.app MIT Tahimi 37% Badge level for project 3200 is 37%
3201 aws-profile-manager

Quickly and easily switch between AWS profiles

https://github.com/geoffdutton/aws-profile-manager Geoff Dutton 10% Badge level for project 3201 is 10%
3202 litmus

Chaos charts and operator for orchestrating chaos on Kubernetes

https://litmuschaos.io Apache-2.0 Raj Babu Das 2024-04-04 06:26:18 109% Badge level for project 3202 is 109%
3203 kubevirt

Kubernetes Virtualization API and runtime in order to define and manage virtual machines.

https://kubevirt.io Apache-2.0 Roman Mohr 2021-04-20 09:00:10 113% Badge level for project 3203 is 113%
3204 taquito

Tezos Typescript Library Suite

https://tezostaquito.io MIT Jev Björsell 2020-08-04 23:03:03 105% Badge level for project 3204 is 105%
3205 mypublicrepo https://github.com/kdhaigud/mypublicrepo kdhaigud 13% Badge level for project 3205 is 13%
3206 Part-DB

Part-DB is an Open source inventory management system for your electronic components

https://github.com/Part-DB/Part-DB-server AGPL-3.0-or-later Jan Böhmer 69% Badge level for project 3206 is 69%

The "tiered %" field shows 300% for gold, 200% for silver, and 100% for passing, and adds progress after the highest-earned badge. You can also sort by the following: repository URL, create time (for the badge entry), last update time (for the badge entry) e user id