Id | Название | Описание | Сайт | Лицензия | Владелец | Последнее достижение | % по всем уровням | Значок |
2146 | koboloadeR | This package facilitates the data crunching of any dataset collected using an xlsform compatible platform (KoboToolbox, ODK, ONA, etc.) |
https://unhcr. |
Edouard | 13% | |||
2147 | ONAP DMaaP Buscontroller | DMaaP Databus Controller API provides a provisioning API for clients of the data movement services (MR and DR) available in ONAP. This API will create... |
https://wiki. |
Apache-2.0 | mrsjackson76 | 2018-10-24 16:45:25 | 180% | |
2148 | STShell | For efficient management of shell scripts |
https://github. |
Apache-2.0 | Sean Trane | 16% | ||
2149 | epab |
https://github. |
MIT | 132nd-etcher | 15% | |||
2150 | Insolar | Enterprise blockchain platform |
https://www. |
Apache-2.0 | Alexander Orlovsky | 2018-08-29 12:38:31 | 113% | |
2151 | portal- |
OTHER | José Daniel Hernández | 18% | ||||
2152 | es6- |
This repository contains some popular Data Structures and Algorithms done in JavaScript, ES6. |
https://github. |
MIT | Joseph Akhenda | 21% | ||
2153 | Cygnal |
https://cyclo. |
MIT | Lucas Verney | 12% | |||
2154 | aws- |
This sample uses the Serverless Application Framework to implement an AWS Lambda function in TypeScript, deploy it via CloudFormation, publish it through API... |
https://github. |
MIT | György Balássy | 2018-09-05 04:07:16 | 107% | |
2155 | handler |
https://github. |
wst-ci | 10% | ||||
2156 | Practico Framework | Practico Framework PHP es una herramienta de código abierto para el diseño automático de aplicaciones web y progresivas de manera ágil |
http://www. |
GPL-2.0 | John F. Arroyave Gutiérrez | 36% | ||
2157 | dqrng | Fast Pseudo Random Number Generators for R |
https://www. |
AGPL-3.0-or-later | Ralf Stubner | 94% | ||
2159 | JHipster | Open Source application generator for creating Spring Boot + Angular/React projects in seconds! |
https://www. |
Apache-2.0 | Julien Dubois | 2018-08-31 14:15:35 | 115% | |
2160 | gpdb | Find a GP that'll provide the services you need. |
https://gpdb. |
Mervyn Galvin | 10% | |||
2161 | eztv- |
A Python based notifier for eztv |
https://github. |
GPL-3.0 | Mervyn Galvin | 76% | ||
2163 | badges |
https://github. |
Jorge Díaz | 10% | ||||
2164 | hblock | Improve your security and privacy by blocking ads, tracking and malware domains. |
https://hblock. |
MIT | Héctor Molinero Fernández | 18% | ||
2165 | vecpp | A simple C++17 vector math library |
https://github. |
BSL-1.0 | Francois Chabot | 64% | ||
2166 | vipster | Visualization of various molecular structure files. |
https://sgsaenger. |
GPL-3.0 | Sebastian Gsänger | 2018-12-20 17:17:57 | 107% | |
2167 | pyguitest |
https://github. |
Mathias Dannesbo | 10% | ||||
2168 | kyma | A flexible and easy way to connect and extend enterprise applications in a cloud-native world |
https://kyma- |
Apache-2.0 | mjasinski5 | 2019-08-01 20:34:50 | 124% | |
2169 | ReactJS |
https://gitlab. |
Tyson | 3% | ||||
2170 | strongSwan | strongSwan is an open source IPsec-based VPN solution. It features IKEv1 and IKEv2 keying capabilities and runs on Linux 2.6, 3.x and 4.x kernels, Android,... |
https://www. |
GPL-2.0-only | Tobias Brunner | 2018-09-04 10:58:07 | 113% | |
2172 | triemap | Java port of a concurrent trie hash map implementation from the Scala collections library |
https://github. |
Apache-2.0 | Robert Varga | 2022-04-04 16:05:43 | 169% | |
2173 | emperror | The Emperor takes care of all errors personally |
https://github. |
MIT | Márk Sági-Kazár | 70% | ||
2175 | spree_ |
New e-commerce platform, built on Rails, Vue + Webpacker. |
https://gitlab. |
Julian Ortiz | 3% | |||
2176 | ElasticSearch | This application illustrates and demonstrates use of ElasticSearch Java API in the backend |
https://github. |
Apache-2.0 | Hüseyin Akdoğan | 42% | ||
2177 | dag | A DAG, Directed acyclic graph implementation in golang. |
https://github. |
Apache-2.0 | Raül Pérez | 31% | ||
2178 | workflow | Goomba workflows |
Apache-2.0 | Raul Perez Justicia | 18% | |||
2179 | beego- |
A tiny little helper for using Pongo2 (v2) with Beego. [Not in maintenance] |
https://github. |
MIT | ipfans | 15% |
Поле "% по уровням" показывает 300% для золотого значка, 200% для серебряного и 100% для простого, плюс прогресс над наивысшим полученным значком. Возможные критерии сортировки: URL хранилища кода, дата создания (для анкеты на значок), последнее время обновления (для анкеты значка) и идентификатор пользователя