7358 项目


Id 名称 描述 网站 授权 所有者 最后达成 % 已达成 徽章
4113 Webcirque Extensible Bridgeable Scripting Framework

A multi-usage JavaScript Framework, as extensible as possible. Focus on compatibility, specification support, and more.

https://github.com/webcirque/websf Apache-2.0 Ediel Chedlyramber 25% 项目4113的徽章级别为25%
4114 Backdrop CMS

More than just the Drupal fork: The Free and Open Source CMS that helps you build comprehensive websites for businesses and non-profits.

https://www.backdropcms.org GPL-2.0-or-later Jen Lampton 2020-07-02 21:19:51 124% 项目4114的徽章级别为124%
4115 lexical_parser

Simple Lexical Parser as an assignment I was thrown at for an interview

https://github.com/geekvikas/lexical_parser Vikas 10% 项目4115的徽章级别为10%
4116 esp8266-iot-device

This is my playground code for ESP8266. The attempt was to make a simple Arduino / ESP8266 based IoT device which receive the Over the air updates and...

https://github.com/geekvikas/esp8266-iot-device MIT Vikas 15% 项目4116的徽章级别为15%
4117 base

Base is a basic template for create web pages with Typescript + Next + Linaria + Framer stack

https://github.com/minskylab/base MIT Bregy Malpartida Ramos 16% 项目4117的徽章级别为16%
4118 alpine-37

Docker image with Alpine Linux 3.7 set up to mount a directory on the host computer and run commands as your own UID instead of root

https://github.com/cliwrap/alpine-37 GPL-3.0 Wesley Tanaka 30% 项目4118的徽章级别为30%
4120 protura https://github.com/mkilgore/protura GPL-2.0 Matt Kilgore 21% 项目4120的徽章级别为21%
4121 DirichletReg https://github.com/maiermarco/DirichletReg maiermarco 12% 项目4121的徽章级别为12%
4122 bitmaelum-suite

BitMaelum software suite

https://bitmaelum.com MIT Joshua Thijssen 42% 项目4122的徽章级别为42%
4123 biurad-caching

[In progress] A library that provides additional functionality doctrine/cache with easy-to-use API for quick caching.

https://github.com/biurad/biurad-caching BSD-3-Clause Divine Niiquaye Ibok 16% 项目4123的徽章级别为16%
4124 gaos

HTTP mocking to test API services for chaos scenarios

Apache-2.0 Furkan Türkal 18% 项目4124的徽章级别为18%
4125 thallalokesh

Mr Thalla Lokesh is a SEO Expert in Tirupati.7 years experience in Digital Marketing Hyderabad, SEO, Web Design and Provides Best service as a consultant.

https://www.thallalokesh.com akil 3% 项目4125的徽章级别为3%
4126 paas-codimd

CodiMD - Realtime collaborative markdown notes on all platforms. Deployable for free testing on https://cloud.gov sandbox

https://github.com/18f/paas-codimd CC0-1.0 John Jediny 15% 项目4126的徽章级别为15%
4127 Space_Game

Game in Space

NukaComodore 3% 项目4127的徽章级别为3%
4128 simple-db-rust

A simple database writing in rust, inspired from mit 6.830

https://github.com/XiaochenCui/simple-db-rust BSD-3-Clause Xiaochen Cui 21% 项目4128的徽章级别为21%
4129 przepisowo

page with recipes and shopping lists

https://github.com/Grzegorz-Wit/przepisowo Grzegorz-Wit 10% 项目4129的徽章级别为10%
4130 Alertmanager Telegram Bot

A Telegram bot that receives alerts from Prometheus' Alertmanager and sends messages to enrolled users. Resolved alerts edit past firing messages to reduce...

https://wwmoraes.github.io/alertmanager-telegram-bot Apache-2.0 William Artero 2021-01-13 10:18:20 111% 项目4130的徽章级别为111%
4131 fetch-project https://github.com/vladyslavnUA/fetch-project vladyslav nykoliuk 10% 项目4131的徽章级别为10%
4132 terraform-provider-harbor

Harbor Terraform Provider

https://nolte.github.io/terraform-provider-harbor MPL-2.0 nolte 19% 项目4132的徽章级别为19%
4133 pypi-scan

Scan pypi for typosquatting

https://pypi-scan.readthedocs.io MIT John Speed Meyers 96% 项目4133的徽章级别为96%
4134 quarkboard

Quarkboard is an open-source smart mirror framework that provides enterprise-level service for professionals and home-enthusiasts alike.

https://quarkboard.dev MIT K.S. 15% 项目4134的徽章级别为15%
4135 Antidot framework

Antidot Framework HTTP Apllication Library

https://antidotfw.io BSD-2-Clause Koldo Picaza 33% 项目4135的徽章级别为33%
4136 skuba https://github.com/SUSE/skuba Roger Klorese 3% 项目4136的徽章级别为3%
4137 rawfile-localpv https://github.com/openebs/rawfile-localpv Apache-2.0 Mehran Kholdi 15% 项目4137的徽章级别为15%
4138 guide-react-gh-pages https://github.com/ksvitorsilva/guide-react-gh-pages Vitor Silva 10% 项目4138的徽章级别为10%
4139 search-o-o

🔍 Search engine for the openSUSE Project

https://search.opensuse.org GPL-3.0 Sarah Julia Kriesch 15% 项目4139的徽章级别为15%
4140 ase-fall-19 https://github.com/vincenzo-dip8/ase-fall-19 vincenzo-dip8 10% 项目4140的徽章级别为10%
4141 Contour

Contour is a Kubernetes ingress controller using Envoy proxy.

https://projectcontour.io Apache-2.0 Steve Kriss 2020-07-16 17:33:38 195% 项目4141的徽章级别为195%
4142 octant

Highly extensible platform for developers to better understand the complexity of Kubernetes clusters.

https://octant.dev Apache-2.0 Wayne Witzel III 2021-01-14 20:10:45 182% 项目4142的徽章级别为182%
4143 figma-api-demo https://github.com/Kehibre/figma-api-demo MIT Kehibre 16% 项目4143的徽章级别为16%

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