7358 项目


Id 名称 描述 网站 授权 所有者 最后达成 % 已达成 徽章
5633 Cybot

Cyber Security and Fraud Detector Technology Innovations

https://github.com/KOSASIH/Cybot MIT KOSASIH 15% 项目5633的徽章级别为15%
5634 jisly

PHP lightweight NoSQL database library, flat file JSON.

https://github.com/r0mdau/jisly Apache-2.0 Romain Dauby 16% 项目5634的徽章级别为16%
5635 PiEar-Server https://github.com/AlexOConnorHub/PiEar-Server MIT AlexOConnorHub 18% 项目5635的徽章级别为18%
5636 opiPhoneVR

OPI to perform visual field perimetry testing on an Android phone with VR headsets compatible with cardboard. This driver is part of the Open Perimetry...

https://www.optocom.es/opi GPL-3.0 Iván Marín-Franch 15% 项目5636的徽章级别为15%
5637 k8stcpmap-controller

Nginx tcp mapping port election controller

https://github.com/DoodleScheduling/k8stcpmap-controller Apache-2.0 raffis 19% 项目5637的徽章级别为19%
5638 configs

A monorepo with possible shared, reusable configurations for used tools, such as formatters, linters, etc.

https://github.com/terminal-nerds/configs MIT Matt Kadlubowski 15% 项目5638的徽章级别为15%
5640 UAC (Unix-like Artifacts Collector)

UAC is a Live Response collection script for Incident Response that makes use of native binaries and tools to automate the collection of AIX, Android, ESXi,...

https://github.com/tclahr/uac Apache-2.0 Thiago Canozzo Lahr 2022-04-05 12:09:49 107% 项目5640的徽章级别为107%
5641 k8skeycloak-controller

Keycloak realm k8s controller

https://github.com/DoodleScheduling/k8skeycloak-controller Apache-2.0 raffis 19% 项目5641的徽章级别为19%
5642 spot

Try the demo

https://nlesc-spot.netlify.com Apache-2.0 Faruk D. 15% 项目5642的徽章级别为15%
5643 k8sdb-controller

Kubernetes Controller for managing databases and users

https://github.com/DoodleScheduling/k8sdb-controller Apache-2.0 raffis 19% 项目5643的徽章级别为19%
5644 bsp-geth

Ethereum client written in Go, modified for full-hierarchy data exports and block specimen production

https://github.com/covalenthq/bsp-geth OTHER Pranay Valson 18% 项目5644的徽章级别为18%
5645 sfpowerkit

A Salesforce DX Plugin with multiple functionalities aimed at improving development and operational workflows

https://dxatscale.io MIT Azlam 15% 项目5645的徽章级别为15%
5646 mitum

mitum is general purpose blockchain factory.

https://mitum-doc.readthedocs.io/en/proto2 GPL-3.0 Spike^ekipS 2022-02-25 03:40:10 104% 项目5646的徽章级别为104%
5647 fido-device-onboard-rs

An implementation of the FIDO Device Onboard (FDO) spec written in Rust.

https://github.com/fedora-iot/fido-device-onboard-rs BSD-3-Clause Patrick Uiterwijk 90% 项目5647的徽章级别为90%
5648 TLDR.jl

A package for fast help and snippets

https://github.com/abelsiqueira/TLDR.jl MPL-2.0 Abel Siqueira 16% 项目5648的徽章级别为16%
5681 script-maven-plugin


https://github.com/alexec/script-maven-plugin Alex Collins 13% 项目5681的徽章级别为13%
5682 cluster-api-provider-hetzner

Kubernetes Cluster API Provider Hetzner provides a consistent deployment and day 2 operations of "self-managed" Kubernetes clusters on Hetzner.

https://github.com/syself/cluster-api-provider-hetzner Apache-2.0 Sven Batista Steinbach 2022-02-27 12:33:41 105% 项目5682的徽章级别为105%
5683 go-hubspot https://github.com/faetools/go-hubspot Apache-2.0 Mark Rosemaker 15% 项目5683的徽章级别为15%
5685 HwameiStor

HwameiStor Local Storage System is a cloud native storage system. It manages the free disks of each node and provision high performance persistent volume...

https://hwameistor.io Apache-2.0 niulechuan 2022-03-22 06:36:48 102% 项目5685的徽章级别为102%
5686 cudawrappers

C++ wrapper for the Nvidia C libraries (e.g. CUDA driver, nvrtc, cuFFT etc.)

https://github.com/nlesc-recruit/cudawrappers Apache-2.0 Jurriaan H. Spaaks 66% 项目5686的徽章级别为66%
5687 cluster-api-provider-aws

Kubernetes Cluster API Provider AWS provides consistent deployment and day 2 operations of "self-managed" and EKS Kubernetes clusters on AWS.

http://cluster-api-aws.sigs.k8s.io Apache-2.0 Ankita Swamy 18% 项目5687的徽章级别为18%
5688 cluster-api-provider-aws

Kubernetes Cluster API Provider AWS provides consistent deployment and day 2 operations of "self-managed" and EKS Kubernetes clusters on AWS.

https://github.com/kubernetes-sigs/cluster-api-provider-aws Apache-2.0 Ankita Swamy 2022-02-28 14:35:48 107% 项目5688的徽章级别为107%
5689 linphone-sdk

Mirror for linphone-sdk (https://gitlab.linphone.org/BC/public/linphone-sdk.git)

https://github.com/BelledonneCommunications/linphone-sdk GPL-3.0 BelledonneComm 34% 项目5689的徽章级别为34%
5690 ACV-BR

Config files for my GitHub profile.

https://github.com/ACV-BR ACV-BR 10% 项目5690的徽章级别为10%
5691 ingress-nginx

NGINX Ingress Controller for Kubernetes

https://github.com/kubernetes/ingress-nginx Apache-2.0 James Strong 96% 项目5691的徽章级别为96%
5692 8051simulation https://github.com/vijayganesh/8051simulation MIT vijayganesh 16% 项目5692的徽章级别为16%
5693 disco3-react

disco3 - well typed and performant web3 react library

https://manifoldfinance.github.io/disco3-react Apache-2.0 sam bacha 52% 项目5693的徽章级别为52%
5694 juice-shop

OWASP Juice Shop: Probably the most modern and sophisticated insecure web application

http://owasp-juice.shop MIT TuncerYukler 88% 项目5694的徽章级别为88%
5695 releng-builder

Mirror of the OpenDaylight releng/builder gerrit project

https://github.com/opendaylight/releng-builder EPL-1.0 askb 24% 项目5695的徽章级别为24%
5696 tls-redirector

TLS Redirector is a tiny HTTP server written in Go that is designed to run on port 80 and redirect all incoming traffic to HTTPS. It does this by emitting a...

https://sr.ht/~ancarda/tls-redirector AGPL-3.0-or-later Mark Dain 75% 项目5696的徽章级别为75%

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