7095 项目


Id 名称 描述 网站 授权 所有者 最后达成 % 已达成 徽章
7697 content

The content behind MDN Web Docs

https://developer.mozilla.org OTHER DamarcusJonesPro 13% 项目7697的徽章级别为13%
7698 imagesync

A tool to copy/sync docker images between registries without docker deamon

https://hub.docker.com/r/smqasims/imagesync/tags Qasim Sarfraz 10% 项目7698的徽章级别为10%
7699 asgardpy

Analysis Software for GAmma-Ray Data in Python

https://asgardpy.readthedocs.io/en/latest Apache-2.0 Chaitanya Priyadarshi 2023-08-05 09:40:21 189% 项目7699的徽章级别为189%
7700 auto-record

Java record source generator

https://github.com/pawellabaj/auto-record Apache-2.0 Paweł Łabaj 97% 项目7700的徽章级别为97%
7701 somesy

A CLI tool for synchronizing software project metadata.

MIT Anton Pirogov 2023-08-02 14:36:32 107% 项目7701的徽章级别为107%
7702 uswds

The U.S. Web Design System helps the federal government build fast, accessible, mobile-friendly websites.

https://designsystem.digital.gov OTHER DamarcusJonesPro 13% 项目7702的徽章级别为13%
7703 web https://web.dev DamarcusJonesPro 3% 项目7703的徽章级别为3%
7704 xeofs

Comprehensive EOF analysis in Python with xeofs: A versatile, multidimensional, and scalable tool for advanced geoscientific data analysis

https://github.com/nicrie/xeofs MIT Niclas Rieger 69% 项目7704的徽章级别为69%
7705 watchdogdev

Linux watchdog device API for Python

https://github.com/timka/watchdogdev Timur 10% 项目7705的徽章级别为10%
7706 restfb

RestFB is a simple and flexible Facebook Graph API client written in Java.

http://restfb.com MIT Norbert Bartels 69% 项目7706的徽章级别为69%
7707 kubernetes-ingress

HAProxy ingress controller for K8s

https://www.haproxy.com/documentation/kubernetes/latest Apache-2.0 Zlatko Bratkovic 19% 项目7707的徽章级别为19%
7708 java-binary-block-parser

most comfortable and dynamic way to process binary data in Java and Android

https://github.com/raydac/java-binary-block-parser Apache-2.0 Igor Maznitsa 21% 项目7708的徽章级别为21%
7709 google.aip.dev

API Improvement Proposals. https://aip.dev/

https://github.com/bitcoinfinancier/google.aip.dev OTHER bitcoinfinancier 13% 项目7709的徽章级别为13%
7710 tendermint

⟁ Tendermint Core (BFT Consensus) in Go

https://tendermint.com Apache-2.0 bitcoinfinancier 21% 项目7710的徽章级别为21%
7711 chainlink

node of the decentralized oracle network, bridging on and off-chain computation

https://chain.link MIT bitcoinfinancier 19% 项目7711的徽章级别为19%
7712 blockscout-ci-cd https://github.com/bitcoinfinancier/blockscout-ci-cd bitcoinfinancier 12% 项目7712的徽章级别为12%
7713 stackblitz-starters-dut4mg

Created with StackBlitz ⚡️

https://stackblitz.com/edit/stackblitz-starters-dut4mg bitcoinfinancier 10% 项目7713的徽章级别为10%
7714 bitcoinAI

Created with CodeSandbox

https://codesandbox.io/p/github/bitcoinfinancier/bitcoinAI bitcoinfinancier 10% 项目7714的徽章级别为10%
7715 DreamTime https://github.com/bitcoinfinancier/DreamTime MIT bitcoinfinancier 16% 项目7715的徽章级别为16%
7716 meraki-bssid-dump

Meraki BSSID Dump

https://developer.cisco.com GPL-3.0 shantarsecurity 15% 项目7716的徽章级别为15%
7717 trivet

Trivet is a Rust library of tools for writing recursive descent parsers.

https://gitlab.com/sprowell/trivet Apache-2.0 Stacy Prowell 2023-08-08 13:58:48 151% 项目7717的徽章级别为151%
7718 anilistarr

anilist custom list provider for sonarr/radarr

https://github.com/wwmoraes/anilistarr MIT William Artero 82% 项目7718的徽章级别为82%
7719 solgo

SolGo project provides a Solidity parser written in Golang, using Antlr and AntlrGo for grammar parsing, enabling syntactic analysis of Solidity smart...

https://github.com/txpull/solgo Apache-2.0 Nevio Vesic 97% 项目7719的徽章级别为97%
7721 node-workflow-templates https://github.com/rsdmike/node-workflow-templates Apache-2.0 Mike 15% 项目7721的徽章级别为15%
7722 go-workflow-templates https://github.com/rsdmike/go-workflow-templates Apache-2.0 Mike 45% 项目7722的徽章级别为45%
7723 RDF-Syntax-Converter

A small and simple RDF syntax converter built in python using RDFLib

https://github.com/pedropaulofb/RDF-Syntax-Converter MIT Pedro Paulo Favato Barcelos 15% 项目7723的徽章级别为15%
7724 ontouml-json2graph https://github.com/OntoUML/ontouml-json2graph Pedro Paulo Favato Barcelos 3% 项目7724的徽章级别为3%
7725 ontouml-json2graph

Decode a ontouml-schema compliant JSON in an ontouml-metamodel-vocabulary compliant knowledge graph

https://github.com/OntoUML/ontouml-json2graph Apache-2.0 Pedro Paulo Favato Barcelos 16% 项目7725的徽章级别为16%
7726 DPP

C++ Discord API Bot Library - D++ is Lightweight and scalable for small and huge bots!

https://github.com/brainboxdotcc/DPP Apache-2.0 Craig Edwards 2023-08-09 10:46:28 300% 项目7726的徽章级别为300%
7727 randnumsplash

A small and fast package that generates a dummy file of the desired length containing random numbers.

https://github.com/anurag0608/randnumsplash OTHER Anurag Verma 13% 项目7727的徽章级别为13%

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