7579 项目


Id 名称 描述 网站 授权 所有者 最后达成 % 已达成 徽章
8226 screamer

The original voting app for selecting movies to watch on Halloween

https://halloween.vendittelli.co.uk MIT Sam Vendittelli 93% 项目8226的徽章级别为93%
8227 pghero

PgHero in Docker

MIT Igor Zubkov 24% 项目8227的徽章级别为24%
8228 argo-watcher

A versatile tool designed to enhance visibility of deployments managed by Argo CD Image Updater and offer experimental support for making direct commits to...

https://github.com/shini4i/argo-watcher MIT Vadim Gedz 19% 项目8228的徽章级别为19%
8231 devfile/library

Library to generate Kubernetes objects from a devfile and accessing the devfile registry

https://github.com/devfile/library Apache-2.0 Jordan Dubrick 2024-01-23 18:26:33 109% 项目8231的徽章级别为109%
8232 Lexi-Craft


https://github.com/Alexi5095 Apache-2.0 Alexi 22% 项目8232的徽章级别为22%
8233 node-tree-sitter

Node.js bindings for tree-sitter

https://www.npmjs.com/package/tree-sitter MIT Alexi 15% 项目8233的徽章级别为15%
8234 MalwareDB

MalwareDB: bookkeeping for malware, goodware, and unknown files with relationship discovery

https://malwaredb.net Apache-2.0 Richard Zak 61% 项目8234的徽章级别为61%
8235 My-new-site https://github.com/kingjay66/My-new-site Apache-2.0 Mohamed Jalloh 16% 项目8235的徽章级别为16%
8236 Bobi1224

Config files for my GitHub profile.

https://github.com/Bobi1224 Bobi1224 10% 项目8236的徽章级别为10%
8237 cedar-go

Go implementation of the cedar policy engine

https://github.com/koblas/cedar-go MIT David Koblas 21% 项目8237的徽章级别为21%
8238 transformimgs

Open source image CDN.

https://hub.docker.com/r/pixboost/transformimgs MIT Dmitry N. Pokidov 39% 项目8238的徽章级别为39%
8239 Automation-repetitive-task-software

Tremendous automation repetitive task Sofware with the motive of contributing to what makes your day to day activities much easier and accessible for you at...

https://github.com/KIDI-S-TECH/Automation-repetitive-task-software.git MIT KIDI'S-TECH 2024-05-02 15:25:30 300% 项目8239的徽章级别为300%
8240 Cookie838

Config files for my GitHub profile.

https://github.com/Cookie838 Cookie838 10% 项目8240的徽章级别为10%
8241 zstd-napi

Node.js bindings for the zstd compression library, using Node-API

https://github.com/drakedevel/zstd-napi Apache-2.0 Andrew Drake 2024-01-02 08:59:52 156% 项目8241的徽章级别为156%
8242 hivegraph

Python Framework for working with Graph Neural Networks

https://hivegraph.readthedocs.io/en/latest MIT Saurav Maheshkar 58% 项目8242的徽章级别为58%
8243 structurizr-d2-exporter

A plugin for structurizr cli that allows exporting structurizr views to D2 diagrams.

https://github.com/goto1134/structurizr-d2-exporter Apache-2.0 Andrei Efanov 93% 项目8243的徽章级别为93%
8244 wordnote

Front end source code of Wordnote of AJK Town

https://wordnote.ajktown.com Aaron Jeongwoo Kim 10% 项目8244的徽章级别为10%
8245 Eventiva

Envision a future with effortless event planning and management

https://github.com/Eventiva/Eventiva GPL-3.0 Jonathan S 99% 项目8245的徽章级别为99%
8246 links

Simple and easy to use links organiser for your social media accounts

https://github.com/bitesinbyte/links MIT Manish Tiwari 22% 项目8246的徽章级别为22%
8249 cary-python-introduction

Project to train folks on the basics of Python, Anaconda, and data analysis.

https://github.com/gregorywaynepower/cary-python-introduction GPL-3.0 Gregory Power 2023-12-31 05:04:20 111% 项目8249的徽章级别为111%
8250 gdal

GDAL is an open source MIT licensed translator library for raster and vector geospatial data formats.

https://gdal.org MIT Even Rouault 2024-01-01 21:54:22 105% 项目8250的徽章级别为105%
8251 Reddit Expanded Community Filter

A userscript to filter muted communities from /r/all using your account preferences.

https://github.com/AJGranowski/reddit-expanded-community-filter-userscript MIT AJ 2024-02-09 07:50:34 173% 项目8251的徽章级别为173%
8252 simple-server-GA https://github.com/stianSjoli/simple-server-GA stianSjoli 10% 项目8252的徽章级别为10%
8253 network.backup

Ansible Network Backup Collection provides a platform-agnostic way of managing network backup on supported network devices.

https://github.com/redhat-cop/network.backup GPL-3.0 Rohit Thakur 51% 项目8253的徽章级别为51%
8254 devfile/alizer

Application analyzer toolkit

https://github.com/devfile/alizer Apache-2.0 Jordan Dubrick 2024-01-05 18:54:02 107% 项目8254的徽章级别为107%
8255 devfile/devfile-web

Monorepo for web related devfile projects.

https://github.com/devfile/devfile-web Apache-2.0 Jordan Dubrick 2024-01-25 19:28:14 111% 项目8255的徽章级别为111%
8256 devfile/registry-operator

Operator for devfile registry

https://github.com/devfile/registry-operator Apache-2.0 Jordan Dubrick 2024-01-24 18:50:10 111% 项目8256的徽章级别为111%
8257 devfile/registry-support

Provide support for devfile registries

https://github.com/devfile/registry-support Apache-2.0 Jordan Dubrick 15% 项目8257的徽章级别为15%
8258 devfile/devworkspace-operator https://github.com/devfile/devworkspace-operator Apache-2.0 Jordan Dubrick 19% 项目8258的徽章级别为19%
8259 chipsec

Platform Security Assessment Framework

https://github.com/chipsec/chipsec GPL-2.0 Nathaniel Mitchell 2024-01-02 22:13:34 107% 项目8259的徽章级别为107%

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