7954 项目


Id 名称 描述 网站 授权 所有者 最后达成 % 已达成 徽章
1824 domain-expiry

Gets the expiry date for a domain

https://gh.jrtapsell.co.uk/domain-expiry ISC jrtapsell 2018-05-05 19:26:20 158% 项目1824的徽章级别为158%
1825 previsao-tempo

api para informações sobre o clima nos próximos 7 dias

https://github.com/alexNeto/previsao-tempo MIT Alexandre Neto 18% 项目1825的徽章级别为18%
1826 pdcli

PagerDuty command line interface with auto-ack mode.

https://github.com/mhmoudgmal/pdcli MIT Mahmoud Gamal 15% 项目1826的徽章级别为15%
1827 sql-backup

Backup your MySQL/MariaDB server ( structure, data, users, grants, views, triggers, routines, events )

https://github.com/code-lts/sql-backup Unlicense William Desportes 82% 项目1827的徽章级别为82%
1828 terrastate

Terraform HTTP remote state storage

https://webhippie.github.io/terrastate Apache-2.0 Thomas Boerger 48% 项目1828的徽章级别为48%
1829 redirects

Simple pattern-based redirect server

https://webhippie.github.io/redirects Apache-2.0 Thomas Boerger 48% 项目1829的徽章级别为48%
1830 errors

Default backend for Kubernetes Ingress

https://webhippie.github.io/errors Apache-2.0 Thomas Boerger 48% 项目1830的徽章级别为48%
1833 StackStorm

StackStorm (aka "IFTTT for Ops") is event-driven automation for auto-remediation, security responses, troubleshooting, deployments, and more. Includes rules...

https://www.stackstorm.com Apache-2.0 Dmitri Zimin(e) 2020-05-23 22:08:10 165% 项目1833的徽章级别为165%
1834 Progressive-Web-App https://github.com/AazibGandhi/Progressive-Web-App AazibGandhi 10% 项目1834的徽章级别为10%
1835 agro https://github.com/tomaszbawor/agro Tomasz Bawor 13% 项目1835的徽章级别为13%
1836 M7M01_Eukaron

An capability-based microkernel focusing on scalability, predictability, mixed-criticality and recoverability

https://github.com/EDI-Systems/M7M01_Eukaron Unlicense EDI Systems 2024-08-26 16:05:12 107% 项目1836的徽章级别为107%
1837 kwaeri-ux https://gitlab.com/mmod/kwaeri-ux Apache-2.0 Richard Winters 69% 项目1837的徽章级别为69%
1840 immutapy

Immutable python data structures inspired by immutable.js

https://github.com/emman27/immutapy MIT Emmanuel Goh 18% 项目1840的徽章级别为18%
1841 Farbfeld Utilities

Used to manipulate pictures and to convert file formats.

http://zzo38computer.org/fossil/farbfeld.ui Unlicense zzo38 72% 项目1841的徽章级别为72%
1842 FreeUHS

Free software for viewing and writing Universal Hint System files.

http://zzo38computer.org/fossil/freeuhs.ui Unlicense zzo38 67% 项目1842的徽章级别为67%
1843 my-easy-cheats

An application to keep your notes as Cheat Sheets easily.

https://ngkonstantinidis.github.io/my-easy-cheats ngkonstantinidis 16% 项目1843的徽章级别为16%
1844 celery-pubsub

Publish and Subscribe with Celery

https://github.com/Mulugruntz/celery-pubsub MIT Samuel GIFFARD 15% 项目1844的徽章级别为15%
1845 simgrid

Framework for the simulation of distributed applications (Clouds, HPC, Grids, IoT and others)

https://simgrid.org LGPL-2.1+ Martin Quinson 2018-08-04 20:33:44 167% 项目1845的徽章级别为167%
1848 walk-go

learning Golang. Walk directories

https://github.com/asg1612/walk-go Andrés Sánchez García 10% 项目1848的徽章级别为10%
1849 ansible-role-docker

Install Docker system

https://github.com/asg1612/ansible-role-docker GPL-3.0 Andrés Sánchez García 15% 项目1849的徽章级别为15%
1850 infinitestreams

Implementation of infinite sequences as REST services.

https://github.com/kishaningithub/infinitestreams MIT Kishan B 15% 项目1850的徽章级别为15%
1851 Project_ComputerVision

Computer Vision

https://github.com/vinaykumar2491/Project_ComputerVision Vinay Kumar 10% 项目1851的徽章级别为10%
1852 emissary-ingress

open source Kubernetes-native API gateway and ingress controller for microservices built on the Envoy Proxy

https://www.getambassador.io Apache-2.0 Richard Li 94% 项目1852的徽章级别为94%
1853 indybay https://www.indybay.org mfb 3% 项目1853的徽章级别为3%
1854 aws-cfm-utils

NPM module for AWS CloudFormation stacks deployments

https://github.com/marcincuber/aws-cfm-utils MIT Marcin Cuber 99% 项目1854的徽章级别为99%
1855 recording

An automatic, simple to use, data collection package with a low memory and system footprint, supporting raw data. It’s available for ICT enterprise,...

https://github.com/kronometrix/recording GPL-2.0 Stefan Parvu 2018-05-20 11:31:01 115% 项目1855的徽章级别为115%
1856 auth

Authenticator Module

https://github.com/kronometrix/auth BSD-3-Clause Stefan Parvu 15% 项目1856的徽章级别为15%
1857 curso-git https://github.com/luizgomes89/curso-git luizgomes89 10% 项目1857的徽章级别为10%
1859 bank_assembly

Assembly program with Turbo Assembler (TASM) in 8086 microprocessor language that simulates a real bank account , So it contains a password and menu and it's...

https://github.com/khalil2535/bank_assembly Mahmoud khalil 54% 项目1859的徽章级别为54%
1860 BriskChat

ASP.NET Core web app for realtime communication with SignalR

https://github.com/Saibamen/BriskChat MIT Adam Stachowicz 15% 项目1860的徽章级别为15%

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