7358 项目


Id 名称 描述 网站 授权 所有者 最后达成 % 已达成 徽章
2303 ONAP AAF (Application Authorization Framework)

AAF is designed to cover Fine-Grained Authorization, meaning that the Authorizations provided are able to used an Application’s detailed authorizations, such...

https://wiki.onap.org/display/DW/Application+Authorization+Framework+Project Apache-2.0 mrsjackson76 2018-10-24 15:33:51 99% 项目2303的徽章级别为99%
2305 2048.cpp

🎃 Hacktoberfest is here! — 🎮 Fully featured terminal version of the game "2048" written in C++

https://github.com/plibither8/2048.cpp MIT Mihir Chaturvedi 18% 项目2305的徽章级别为18%
2306 tpm-emulator

The famous tpm-emulator by Mario Strasser, previously hosted on BerliOs. It supports TPM1.2 only!

https://github.com/PeterHuewe/tpm-emulator GPL-2.0 Peter Huewe 19% 项目2306的徽章级别为19%
2309 jaeger-client-js

implement a jaegertracing client that can be used in browser in combination with some popular libraries/frameworks for web development like React or Angular.

https://github.com/sagrath23/jaeger-client-js Apache-2.0 Steven Augusto Villegas 15% 项目2309的徽章级别为15%
2310 goresp

Go implementation for RESP (REdis Serialization Protocol)

https://github.com/0xC0D3D00D/goresp Apache-2.0 Mohammad Hossein Heydari 96% 项目2310的徽章级别为96%
2311 practNLPTools

Practical Natural Language Processing Tools for Humans. Dependency Parsing, Syntactic Constituent Parsing, Semantic Role Labeling, Named Entity...

https://github.com/jawahar273/practNLPTools jawahar 12% 项目2311的徽章级别为12%
2312 pure-php-xml-writer

Simple XML writer library written with basic PHP functions only

https://github.com/jdrda/pure-php-xml-writer Jan Drda 10% 项目2312的徽章级别为10%
2313 copernicus

an alternative implementation of the Bitcoin protocol, written in Golang

https://github.com/copernet/copernicus BSD-2-Clause 姜家志 19% 项目2313的徽章级别为19%
2314 tetris

Play Tetris from console.

https://github.com/thomasyuan/tetris Thomas Yuan 10% 项目2314的徽章级别为10%
2315 ONAP Sidecar Forward Proxy

The Sidecar Forward Proxy service is a forward proxy service with credential caching capabilities for incoming REST requests. It is one of the two...

https://git.onap.org/aaf/cadi/tree/sidecar/fproxy Apache-2.0 mrsjackson76 2018-11-02 09:56:02 99% 项目2315的徽章级别为99%
2316 ONAP Sidecar Reverse Proxy

The Sidecar Reverse Proxy service is a proxy microservice which intercepts incoming REST requests by, extracting the credentials from the request and...

https://git.onap.org/aaf/cadi/tree/sidecar/rproxy Apache-2.0 mrsjackson76 2018-11-02 10:02:44 99% 项目2316的徽章级别为99%
2317 Falco

Falco is an open-source runtime security project. Falco is a cloud-native security tool designed for Linux systems. It employs custom rules on kernel...

https://falco.org Apache-2.0 Michael Ducy 2020-09-28 14:40:31 160% 项目2317的徽章级别为160%
2318 lab

Scripts that make lab life easier

https://github.com/49thSecurityDivision/lab elreydetoda 10% 项目2318的徽章级别为10%
2319 dspace-statistics-api

A simple REST API to expose Solr view and download statistics for items in a DSpace repository.

GPL-3.0 Alan Orth 16% 项目2319的徽章级别为16%
2320 branko-vukmirovic.github.io

Branko's CV & Portfolio! https://branko-vukmirovic.github.io/

https://github.com/branko-vukmirovic/branko-vukmirovic.github.io Branko Vukmirovic 10% 项目2320的徽章级别为10%
2321 halloweeneyes

Code for projecting moving eyes to windows

https://github.com/bshm/halloweeneyes Bastian Schmitz 13% 项目2321的徽章级别为13%
2322 Zowe API Mediation Layer

The API Mediation Layer provides a single point of access for mainframe service REST APIs. The layer offers enterprise, cloud-like features such as...

https://zowe.github.io/docs-site/latest/user-guide/overview.html#api-mediation-layer EPL-2.0 Petr Plavjanik 79% 项目2322的徽章级别为79%
2323 portage-overlay

Gentoo portage overlay

https://github.com/SpiderX/portage-overlay MIT SpiderX 2018-11-11 17:07:47 165% 项目2323的徽章级别为165%
2324 add-gitignore

An interactive CLI tool that adds a .gitignore to your projects.

https://github.com/FannyVieira/add-gitignore MIT Fanny 15% 项目2324的徽章级别为15%
2325 zsm

ZFS Snapshot Manager

https://zsm.rtfd.io BSD-2-Clause Mattias Lindvall 91% 项目2325的徽章级别为91%
2326 ggstatsplot

Collection of functions to enhance ggplot2 plots with results from statistical tests.

https://indrajeetpatil.github.io/ggstatsplot GPL-3.0 Indrajeet Patil 18% 项目2326的徽章级别为18%
2327 core.git Paulmichl Sebastian 3% 项目2327的徽章级别为3%
2329 eltt2

Infineon Embedded Linux TPM Toolbox 2 (ELTT2) for TPM 2.0

https://github.com/Infineon/eltt2 BSD-3-Clause Peter Huewe 90% 项目2329的徽章级别为90%
2330 sample-sheet

A permissively licensed library designed to replace Illumina's Experiment Manager

https://sample-sheet.readthedocs.io MIT clintval 22% 项目2330的徽章级别为22%
2331 microservice-patterns-cqrs

Academic implementation of CQRS pattern for a microservice

https://gitlab.com/cloud.yantra.oss/microservice-patterns-cqrs MIT Pratim SC 91% 项目2331的徽章级别为91%
2332 tpm2-tss

This repository hosts source code implementing the Trusted Computing Group's (TCG) TPM2 Software Stack (TSS). This stack consists of the following layers...

https://github.com/tpm2-software/tpm2-tss BSD-2-Clause Peter Huewe 2019-04-01 19:29:20 136% 项目2332的徽章级别为136%
2333 cc-navbar

Componente de Navbar para Angular utilizando o Angular Material e com foco nos sistemas organizacionais.

https://github.com/casacivilce/cc-navbar GPL-3.0 renearaujo 15% 项目2333的徽章级别为15%
2334 cc-material-themes

Temas customizados do Angular Material para o Governo do Estado do Ceará

https://github.com/casacivilce/cc-material-themes GPL-3.0 renearaujo 15% 项目2334的徽章级别为15%
2335 viagens-cc https://gitlab.casacivil.ce.gov.br/casacivil/viagens-cc renearaujo 3% 项目2335的徽章级别为3%
2336 product-vick Apache-2.0 Farasath Ahamed 18% 项目2336的徽章级别为18%

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