7579 Projekte

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ID Name Beschreibung Webseite Lizenz Eigentümer Zuletzt erreicht Fortschritt % Badge
128 ~/.conf https://github.com/unixdotfiles/dotfiles Eitan Adler 12% Badge-Level für das Projekt 128 ist 12%

Cyber security vulnerability assessment workbench used by individuals, businesses and services providers worldwide.

https://penteston.com Rashad Aliyev 2019-01-17 13:00:05 113% Badge-Level für das Projekt 129 ist 113%
131 OWASP ZSC - Shellcode/Obfuscate Code Generator

OWASP ZeroDay Cyber Research Shellcoder [Generator] is an open source software in python language which lets you generate customized shellcodes for listed...

https://www.owasp.org/index.php/OWASP_ZSC_Tool_Project GPL-3.0 - 24% Badge-Level für das Projekt 131 ist 24%
132 android_kernel_huawei_angler https://github.com/CyanogenMod/android_kernel_huawei_angler Wayland Zhong 3% Badge-Level für das Projekt 132 ist 3%
133 Security Knowledge Framework (SKF) Python Flask project


PROJECTS Create projects in SKF and start gathering requirements for your features/sprints

CODE EXAMPLES An extensive...

https://github.com/blabla1337/skf-flask AGPL-3.0 - 97% Badge-Level für das Projekt 133 ist 97%
134 ddos-toolbox

DoS-Switchblade is a single tool that is a collection of testing tools for DoS

http://www.proactiverisk.com GPL-3.0 Tom Brennan 16% Badge-Level für das Projekt 134 ist 16%
135 NetQuizSOAP

Sistema quiz de perguntas e respostas, desenvolvido utilizando o protocolo SOAP.

https://github.com/kelvinsleonardo/NetQuizSOAP Kélvin Santiago 15% Badge-Level für das Projekt 135 ist 15%
137 esapi-java-legacy

ESAPI (The OWASP Enterprise Security API) is a free, open source, web application security control library that makes it easier for programmers to write...

https://owasp.org/www-project-enterprise-security-api BSD-3-Clause Kevin W. Wall 99% Badge-Level für das Projekt 137 ist 99%
139 Jenkins Hub Plugin https://github.com/blackducksoftware/hub-jenkins GPL-2.0 Ari Kamen 22% Badge-Level für das Projekt 139 ist 22%
140 OWASP Security Logging library for Java https://www.owasp.org/index.php/OWASP_Security_Logging_Project Apache-2.0 - 99% Badge-Level für das Projekt 140 ist 99%
141 Automatically exported from code.google.com/p/u8glib https://github.com/venky18/u8glib OTHER Venketesh Mahapatra 16% Badge-Level für das Projekt 141 ist 16%
142 spdxl

spdxl (pronounced spud-exel) is a tool to attempt to determine the license of a given source code directory or file

https://github.com/jeremiah/spdxl GPL-3.0 Jeremiah C. Foster 25% Badge-Level für das Projekt 142 ist 25%
144 Vector::ASC

This is a library to access ASCII Log File (ASC) files from Vector Informatik.

http://www.tomilo.org/vector_asc.html GPL-3.0+ Tobias Lorenz 2016-06-17 21:36:00 125% Badge-Level für das Projekt 144 ist 125%
145 Vector::BLF

This is a library to access Binary Log File (BLF) files from Vector Informatik.

http://www.tomilo.org/vector_blf.html GPL-3.0+ Tobias Lorenz 2016-06-17 21:36:00 125% Badge-Level für das Projekt 145 ist 125%
146 Vector::DBC

This is a library to access CAN Databases (aka CANdb, aka DBC files) from Vector Informatik. It's optimized towards fast access on loaded data, not on load...

http://www.tomilo.org/vector_dbc.html GPL-3.0+ Tobias Lorenz 2016-06-17 21:36:00 125% Badge-Level für das Projekt 146 ist 125%
148 perl-module-cgi-prototype

Perl module CGI::Prototype, originally by Randal L. Schwartz

https://github.com/RandalSchwartz/perl-module-cgi-prototype Randal L. Schwartz 12% Badge-Level für das Projekt 148 ist 12%
151 quotedian https://github.com/fsiddiqi/quotedian Faisal Siddiqi 6% Badge-Level für das Projekt 151 ist 6%
152 Apache Libcloud

Apache Libcloud is a Python library which hides differences between different cloud provider APIs and allows you to manage different cloud resources through...

https://libcloud.apache.org Apache-2.0 Tomaz Muraus 2016-05-25 17:03:00 109% Badge-Level für das Projekt 152 ist 109%
153 Blender

3D graphics and animation software.

http://www.blender.org GPL-3.0+ Campbell Barton 39% Badge-Level für das Projekt 153 ist 39%
154 Apache Syncope

Apache Syncope is an Open Source system for managing digital identities in enterprise environments, implemented in Java EE technology and released under...

https://syncope.apache.org Apache-2.0 Francesco Chicchiriccò 2021-04-14 09:18:28 107% Badge-Level für das Projekt 154 ist 107%
155 ConnId

ConnId (Connectors for Identity Management) is built to help drive development of Connectors.

http://connid.tirasa.net CDDL 1.0 Francesco Chicchiriccò 66% Badge-Level für das Projekt 155 ist 66%
159 (Name unbekannt) https://github.com/xaionaro/gograndstream OTHER Okunev Yu Dmitry 15% Badge-Level für das Projekt 159 ist 15%
160 The Intrig Message Decoder https://github.com/intrig/xenon GPL-2.0 Mark Beckwith 18% Badge-Level für das Projekt 160 ist 18%
161 Rename images based on EXIF information https://github.com/ottlinger/fotorenamer Apache-2.0 P. Ottlinger 25% Badge-Level für das Projekt 161 ist 25%
162 StringObject

A PHP library enabling object-oriented usage of strings and their relevant functions.

https://github.com/garrettw/stringobject ISC Garrett W. 16% Badge-Level für das Projekt 162 ist 16%
163 pierce

Pierce is an IRC bot framework written for PHP 5.5+, built around a dependency injector and an event pipeline.

https://github.com/garrettw/pierce LGPL-2.1 Garrett W. 16% Badge-Level für das Projekt 163 ist 16%

OPNFV is a carrier-grade, integrated, open source platform to accelerate the introduction of new network functions virtualization (NFV) products and...

https://www.opnfv.org Apache-2.0 Sona Sarmadi 2016-08-17 13:35:52 115% Badge-Level für das Projekt 164 ist 115%
165 (Name unbekannt) https://github.com/machaiol/minotcheckpoint - 12% Badge-Level für das Projekt 165 ist 12%
166 Chamilo

Chamilo is a learning management system focusing on ease of use, re-usability, collaboration and sharing.

https://chamilo.org GPL-3.0+ Yannick Warnier 2017-04-12 19:12:36 116% Badge-Level für das Projekt 166 ist 116%
168 Various tests and graphs on logistic series https://github.com/frague59/logistic_series CC0-1.0 François GUÉRIN 15% Badge-Level für das Projekt 168 ist 15%

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