7579 Projects

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Id Name Description Website License Owner Last achieved at Tiered % Badge
8164 go-witness

Go implementation of witness

https://in-toto.io Apache-2.0 John Kjell 78% Badge level for project 8164 is 78%
8165 iSulad

[mirror]A light weight container runtime daemon for IOT and Cloud infrastructure.

https://github.com/openeuler-mirror/iSulad zl14 15% Badge level for project 8165 is 15%
8166 miniature-octo-broccoli https://github.com/Blaze1113/miniature-octo-broccoli BSL-1.0 Blaze1113 15% Badge level for project 8166 is 15%
8167 aoc23

Advent of Code 2023 Solutions in Go

https://github.com/kprav33n/aoc23 MIT Praveen Kumar 15% Badge level for project 8167 is 15%
8168 go-cli-github

Example repository with workflows configured for a Go CLI tool.

https://github.com/smlx/go-cli-github Apache-2.0 Scott Leggett 2023-12-18 08:04:37 105% Badge level for project 8168 is 105%
8169 NativeScript

⚡ Empowering JavaScript with native platform APIs. ✨ Best of all worlds (TypeScript, Swift, Objective C, Kotlin, Java). Use what you love ❤️ Angular,...

https://nativescript.org MIT Nathan Walker 96% Badge level for project 8169 is 96%
8170 firefighter-incident

FireFighter is an incident management application, designed to work in Slack, and more.

https://github.com/ManoManoTech/firefighter-incident MIT Gabriel Dugny 81% Badge level for project 8170 is 81%
8171 -Ohana3DS-Rebirth-trasfigured-merger https://github.com/MichaelHinrichs/-Ohana3DS-Rebirth-trasfigured-merger NintenHero 3% Badge level for project 8171 is 3%
8172 powerline-k8s

Powerline segment for displaying the current Kubernetes context and namespace

https://pypi.org/p/powerline-k8s MIT Jordan Duabe 15% Badge level for project 8172 is 15%
8173 FalkorDB

A super fast graph database uses GraphBlas under the hood for its sparse adjacency matrix graph representation.

https://www.falkordb.com SSPL Guy Korland 24% Badge level for project 8173 is 24%
8174 Media-Communications-Mesh

MCM enables efficient, low-latency media transport for media microservices.

https://github.com/OpenVisualCloud/Media-Communications-Mesh BSD-3-Clause Han Qiang 60% Badge level for project 8174 is 60%
8175 graphql-boilerplate https://github.com/jeeltpatel/graphql-boilerplate MIT Jeel Patel 16% Badge level for project 8175 is 16%
8176 Concierge-AI

Concierge AI contains a personalized AI model with which you can converse in a manner that simulates a real personality. This simulation is achieved using...

https://concierge-aimodel.vercel.app MIT Deep 2023-12-12 09:26:13 104% Badge level for project 8176 is 104%
8177 spill-the-beans


https://github.com/saverioscagnoli/spill-the-beans Saverio 10% Badge level for project 8177 is 10%
8178 hacienda

Hacienda es una aplicación que se conecta al API del Ministerio de Hacienda de Costa Rica.

https://github.com/kevinah95/hacienda Apache-2.0 Kevin Hernández Rostrán 16% Badge level for project 8178 is 16%
8179 devfile/api

Kube-native API for cloud development workspaces specification

https://github.com/devfile/api Apache-2.0 Jordan Dubrick 2024-01-09 18:30:28 109% Badge level for project 8179 is 109%
8180 MaxQ Work Manager https://github.com/QxaM/employee-and-work-order-management-1701376738 QxaM 10% Badge level for project 8180 is 10%
8181 mental-space-backend

Backend for the App Mental Space

https://github.com/well-it-wasnt-me/mental-space-backend AGPL-3.0 Antonio 24% Badge level for project 8181 is 24%
8182 ThorCloud

Reviving ZeusCloud

https://github.com/well-it-wasnt-me/ThorCloud Apache-2.0 Antonio 18% Badge level for project 8182 is 18%
8183 amis

Temporary home for the soon to be official NixOS AMIs

https://github.com/arianvp/amis MIT Arian van Putten 19% Badge level for project 8183 is 19%
8184 DSAT-DNSSecurityAnalysisTool

The DNS Security Analysis Tool is a Python-based utility designed to conduct an in-depth security analysis of DNS configurations for multiple domains.

https://github.com/shamimrezasohag/DSAT-DNSSecurityAnalysisTool Apache-2.0 A. S. M. Shamim Reza 19% Badge level for project 8184 is 19%
8185 rock-buddy-app

Rock Buddy desktop app

https://github.com/Connor-Harkness/rock-buddy-app Connor-Harkness 10% Badge level for project 8185 is 10%
8186 swaphost

swap your AKS nodepool vm sku!

https://github.com/rguptar/swaphost rguptar 10% Badge level for project 8186 is 10%
8219 ao-dashboard

A dashboard for managing ambulances.

https://github.com/trichards57/ao-dashboard MIT Tony Richards 15% Badge level for project 8219 is 15%
8220 Github https://github.com/Nattakit33/Github Nattakit33 10% Badge level for project 8220 is 10%
8221 Magisk

The Magic Mask for Android

https://github.com/Nattakit33/Magisk GPL-3.0 Nattakit33 16% Badge level for project 8221 is 16%
8222 kingjay66 https://github.com/kingjay66/kingjay66 Mohamed Jalloh 10% Badge level for project 8222 is 10%
8223 PySceneDetect

:movie_camera: Python and OpenCV-based scene cut/transition detection program & library.

https://www.scenedetect.com BSD-3-Clause Brandon Castellano 90% Badge level for project 8223 is 90%
8224 radical.pilot

RADICAL-Pilot (RP) is a Pilot system written in Python and specialized in executing applications composed of many computational tasks on high performance...

https://radical-cybertools.github.io/radical-pilot/index.html MIT Matteo Turilli 2023-12-19 22:44:16 105% Badge level for project 8224 is 105%
8225 mastercard-api-client-tutorial

Generating and Configuring a Mastercard API Client

https://mstr.cd/2AWz6pm MIT Deuniverse Legacy 27% Badge level for project 8225 is 27%

The "tiered %" field shows 300% for gold, 200% for silver, and 100% for passing, and adds progress after the highest-earned badge. You can also sort by the following: repository URL, create time (for the badge entry), last update time (for the badge entry), and user id