7954 Projects

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Id Name Description Website License Owner Last achieved at Tiered % Badge
9657 terraform-provider-zedcloud https://github.com/zededa/terraform-provider-zedcloud Ruslan Dautov 3% Badge level for project 9657 is 3%
9658 MySqlConnector

MySQL Connector for .NET

https://mysqlconnector.net MIT Bradley Grainger 78% Badge level for project 9658 is 78%
9659 core

🍺 Lightweight, progressive IOC framework for TypeScript.

https://github.com/nailyjs/core MIT Zero 21% Badge level for project 9659 is 21%
9663 Production https://gitlab.com/devsecops9842845/devsecops-security-policy-project/-/tree/Production Apache-2.0 McCoy l Stevens 9% Badge level for project 9663 is 9%
9666 dynamic-localpv-provisioner

Dynamically deploy Stateful Persistent Node-Local Volumes & Filesystems for Kubernetes that is provisioned from simple Local-Hostpath /root storage.

https://openebs.io Apache-2.0 Abhinandan Purkait 2025-01-29 09:12:11 111% Badge level for project 9666 is 111%
9667 Sentry secure embedded kernel for Outpost Operating system

The Sentry kernel is a high security level micro-kernel implementation made for high security embedded systems that include micro-controllers in association...

https://outpost-sentry.readthedocs.io/en/latest/index.html Apache-2.0 Philippe Thierry 2024-11-06 10:20:04 283% Badge level for project 9667 is 283%
9668 DSHV5

Config files for my GitHub profile.

https://github.com/DSHV5 DSHV5 10% Badge level for project 9668 is 10%
9669 DSHV55 https://github.com/DSHV5/DSHV55 DSHV5 10% Badge level for project 9669 is 10%

Projects on GitHub by default use issues and pull requests, as encouraged by documentation such as...

MIT Research 24% Badge level for project 9670 is 24%
9671 oslc4net

A dotnet SDK for OSLC

https://github.com/OSLC/oslc4net EPL-1.0 Andrew Berezovskyi 19% Badge level for project 9671 is 19%
9672 prompt-declaration-language

Prompt Declaration Language (PDL) is a declarative prompt programming language.

https://ibm.github.io/prompt-declaration-language Apache-2.0 Louis Mandel 2024-11-19 16:44:21 107% Badge level for project 9672 is 107%
9673 terraform-exporter-btp

The Terraform Exporter for SAP BTP is a tool that helps export resources from a SAP BTP account. It generates Terraform scripts for the import of resources...

https://sap.github.io/terraform-exporter-btp Apache-2.0 Vipin Menon 2024-11-07 05:26:47 107% Badge level for project 9673 is 107%
9674 TortoiseGit

TortoiseGit is a Git client for Windows that is primarily used through the Windows Explorer.

https://tortoisegit.org GPLv2 mrtux 70% Badge level for project 9674 is 70%
9675 MagicMirror²

MagicMirror² is an open source modular smart mirror platform. With a growing list of installable modules, the MagicMirror² allows you to convert your hallway...

https://magicmirror.builders MIT Kristjan ESPERANTO 64% Badge level for project 9675 is 64%
9676 cat-jobs

Simulation library for The Battle Cats

https://github.com/markjouh/cat-jobs MIT Mark Zhou 88% Badge level for project 9676 is 88%
9677 getCryptoAddress.github.io

Free, open-source web-tool for securely generating cryptocurrency addresses and paper wallets offline. Supports Bitcoin, Ethereum, and custom wallet designs.

https://getcryptoaddress.github.io MIT Get Crypto Address 22% Badge level for project 9677 is 22%
9678 Erlang/OTP

Erlang/OTP is a programming language and runtime system for building massively scalable soft real-time systems with requirements on high availability.

https://www.erlang.org Apache-2.0 Kiko Fernandez-Reyes 2024-11-07 19:59:10 169% Badge level for project 9678 is 169%
9679 state-in-url

Store any user state in query parameters; imagine JSON in a browser URL, while keeping types and structure of data, e.g. numbers will be decoded as numbers...

https://state-in-url.dev MIT Aleksandr Smyshliaev 2024-11-07 22:21:51 105% Badge level for project 9679 is 105%
9680 bonjour_madame

bonjour_madame is a library allowing to fetch data from the RSS feed of the french erotic website Bonjour Madame.

https://gitlab.projetretro.io/shalien/bonjour_madame Ophélien DUPARC 13% Badge level for project 9680 is 13%
9681 chakra-react-select

A Chakra UI themed wrapper for the popular library React Select

https://www.npmjs.com/package/chakra-react-select MIT Chris Sandvik 15% Badge level for project 9681 is 15%
9682 giddy

Exploratory spatiotemporal data analysis and Geospatial distribution dynamics analysis

http://pysal.org/giddy BSD-3-Clause Wei Kang 16% Badge level for project 9682 is 16%
9683 filament-users

Manage your users with a highly customizable user resource for FilamentPHP with integration of filament-shield and filament-impersonate

https://tomatophp.com/en/open-source/filament-users MIT Fady Mondy 16% Badge level for project 9683 is 16%
9684 charx

A more ergonomic wrapper around char

https://github.com/AlilSajid/charx 0BSD Ali Sajid Imami 2024-11-09 17:08:29 189% Badge level for project 9684 is 189%
9685 muh

mustached hypertext - the template engine

https://github.com/sissijs/muh MIT Lea Rosema 16% Badge level for project 9685 is 16%
9686 Wakaama

Eclipse Wakaama is a C implementation of the Open Mobile Alliance's LightWeight M2M protocol (LwM2M).

https://eclipse.dev/wakaama EPL-2.0 OR BSD-3-Clause Reto Schneider 91% Badge level for project 9686 is 91%
9687 gustavoalmei https://github.com/gustavoalmei/gustavoalmei Gustavo Almeida 10% Badge level for project 9687 is 10%
9688 ChatApp

Chat baseado no Whatsapp Web. Nele são utilizados React.js, Styled componentes e Firebase.

https://chat-app-fawn-tau.vercel.app Gustavo Almeida 10% Badge level for project 9688 is 10%
9689 AirTrail

A modern, open-source personal flight tracking system

https://airtrail.johan.ohly.dk GPL-3.0 Johan Ohly 2024-11-22 17:48:55 104% Badge level for project 9689 is 104%
9691 Ocre

Ocre is a container runtime for constrained devices. It leverages WebAssembly and Zephyr to support OCI-type application containers in a footprint up to...

https://lfedge.org/projects/ocre Apache-2.0 Knox Lively 96% Badge level for project 9691 is 96%
9692 HuLa

HuLa is a desktop instant messaging app built on Tauri+Vue3 (not just instant messaging)

https://github.com/HuLaSpark/HuLa Apache-2.0 Dawn 2024-11-11 08:15:57 104% Badge level for project 9692 is 104%

The "tiered %" field shows 300% for gold, 200% for silver, and 100% for passing, and adds progress after the highest-earned badge. You can also sort by the following: repository URL, create time (for the badge entry), last update time (for the badge entry), and user id