7972 Projects

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Id Name Description Website License Owner Last achieved at Tiered % Badge
9697 PowPeg App

The PowPeg, is the most direct and native mechanism for acquiring RBTC with your BTC.

https://powpeg.rootstock.io MIT Alex 78% Badge level for project 9697 is 78%
9698 kform https://github.com/kform-dev/kform Apache-2.0 Gergely Csatari 18% Badge level for project 9698 is 18%
9699 kuid https://github.com/kuidio/kuid Apache-2.0 Gergely Csatari 18% Badge level for project 9699 is 18%
9700 tron-tvl-list

Tron Defi projects to be listed in https://tronscan.org/#/data/stats/tvl.

https://github.com/Lmillan123/tron-tvl-list GPL-3.0 Lmillan123 15% Badge level for project 9700 is 15%
9701 RTEMS Project https://www.rtems.org BSD-2-Clause Amar Takhar 76% Badge level for project 9701 is 76%
9702 PMM (Percona Monitoring and Management)

Percona Monitoring and Management: an open source database monitoring, observability and management tool

https://www.percona.com/software/database-tools/percona-monitoring-and-management AGPL-3.0 Artem Gavrilov 63% Badge level for project 9702 is 63%
9703 pg_stat_monitor

Query Performance Monitoring Tool for PostgreSQL

https://github.com/percona/pg_stat_monitor PostgreSQL Artem Gavrilov 43% Badge level for project 9703 is 43%
9704 open-source-best-practices

Repo for collecting information on best practices for open source projects

https://github.com/krook/open-source-best-practices OTHER Daniel Krook 13% Badge level for project 9704 is 13%
9705 stencil

templating engine for DOCX and PPTX files

https://stencil.erdos.dev EPL-2.0 Janos Erdos 36% Badge level for project 9705 is 36%
9706 sphinx-coverity-extension

Sphinx plugin to generate Coverity defects report or table in reStructuredText documentation. Coverity report is then personally styled while data integrity...

https://melexis.github.io/sphinx-coverity-extension GPL-3.0 Crt Mori 99% Badge level for project 9706 is 99%
9707 BankSystem

ASP.NET Core banking system with secure communication capability between instances, cards, secure payments, etc.

https://github.com/Plaid-Ethereum/BankSystem MIT W3W-EdU 15% Badge level for project 9707 is 15%
9708 Cnetworking

Réaliser un client et un serveur implémentant le protocole "protopeach"

https://github.com/Neptunium931/Cnetworking Neptunium93 10% Badge level for project 9708 is 10%
9709 nCook https://github.com/Neptunium931/nCook BSD-3-Clause Neptunium93 18% Badge level for project 9709 is 18%
9710 ncc https://github.com/Neptunium931/ncc BSD-3-Clause Neptunium93 70% Badge level for project 9710 is 70%
9711 AliSajid.github.io

Personal blog and website for Ali Imami

https://www.aliimami.com CC-BY-SA-3.0 Ali Sajid Imami 2024-11-17 01:45:38 140% Badge level for project 9711 is 140%
9712 FluidFramework

Library for building distributed, real-time collaborative web components and applications

https://fluidframework.com MIT Tyler Butler 2024-11-15 17:18:59 104% Badge level for project 9712 is 104%
9713 .github

Default templates and guidelines for Creative Commons GitHub repositories.

https://opensource.creativecommons.org/contributing-code/github-repo-guidelines CC0-1.0 Brad 13% Badge level for project 9713 is 13%
9714 ipcalc https://github.com/zkelo/ipcalc Aleksandr 10% Badge level for project 9714 is 10%
9715 fmc-remediation-module-ftd-shun

Its a python module created for the Cisco solution called Secure Firewall Management. It shun an IP address blocking his access and after N seconds removes it.

https://github.com/vagner-instructor/fmc-remediation-module-ftd-shun MIT vagner-instructor 2024-11-17 20:45:08 109% Badge level for project 9715 is 109%
9716 lfs-s3

git-lfs Custom transfer agent which simply works with an S3 provider

https://github.com/nicolas-graves/lfs-s3 MIT Nicolas Graves 18% Badge level for project 9716 is 18%
9717 Open World Holidays Framework

World Holidays Framework

https://pypi.org/project/holidays MIT Arkadii Yakovets 27% Badge level for project 9717 is 27%
9718 miniature-octo-journey https://github.com/GIgako19929/miniature-octo-journey MIT Giorgi Meskhidze 30% Badge level for project 9718 is 30%
9719 ts-node

TypeScript execution and REPL for node.js

https://typestrong.org/ts-node MIT Giorgi Meskhidze 22% Badge level for project 9719 is 22%
9720 fAIr

fAIr - AI Assisted Mapping Tool

https://github.com/hotosm/fair AGPL-3.0 Kshitij Raj Sharma 18% Badge level for project 9720 is 18%
9721 piyushsonar.in

The code that powers https://piyushsonar.in

https://piyushsonar.in MIT Piyush Sonar 2024-11-19 21:04:34 105% Badge level for project 9721 is 105%
9722 firewheel

FIREWHEEL is an experiment orchestration tool that assists a user in building and controlling, repeatable experiments of distributed network systems at any...

https://sandialabs.github.io/firewheel Apache-2.0 Steven Elliott 2024-11-20 01:03:36 129% Badge level for project 9722 is 129%
9723 OwaspHeaders.Core

Inject OWASP recommended HTTP Headers for increased security in a single line

https://www.nuget.org/packages/OwaspHeaders.Core MIT Jamie Taylor 96% Badge level for project 9723 is 96%
9724 OpenWeatherMap.Standard

Standard .net library for calling the OpenWeatherMap api

https://github.com/Ken-Tucker/OpenWeatherMap.Standard MIT Ken Tucker 49% Badge level for project 9724 is 49%
9725 vertex-ai-samples

Sample code and notebooks for Vertex AI, the end-to-end machine learning platform on Google Cloud

https://cloud.google.com/vertex-ai Apache-2.0 Ana 15% Badge level for project 9725 is 15%
9726 underscore

🌟 Useful functional programming helpers for Go

https://underscore.onrender.com MIT Ruidy 22% Badge level for project 9726 is 22%

The "tiered %" field shows 300% for gold, 200% for silver, and 100% for passing, and adds progress after the highest-earned badge. You can also sort by the following: repository URL, create time (for the badge entry), last update time (for the badge entry), and user id