7972 Projects

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Id Name Description Website License Owner Last achieved at Tiered % Badge
9852 assets

A comprehensive, up-to-date collection of information about several thousands (!) of crypto tokens.

https://developer.trustwallet.com/assets/new-asset MIT NikolaiNikolaevichBoyko 18% Badge level for project 9852 is 18%
9853 reubah

a web-based tool for processing images and converting documents with a simple interface

https://github.com/dendianugerah/reubah MIT Dendi 15% Badge level for project 9853 is 15%
9854 protestr

Pro test fixture provider for Python

https://pypi.org/project/protestr MIT Ikram Khan 15% Badge level for project 9854 is 15%
9855 release-example-002 https://github.com/itsmeid/release-example-002 MIT id 16% Badge level for project 9855 is 16%
9856 charset_normalizer

Truly universal encoding detector in pure Python

https://charset-normalizer.readthedocs.io/en/latest MIT TAHRI Ahmed R. 18% Badge level for project 9856 is 18%
9857 Saharany-Karim

Config files for my GitHub profile.

https://github.com/Saharany-Karim Saharany-Karim 10% Badge level for project 9857 is 10%
9858 backstage-plugin

Ramp up Backstage quickly, one plugin for all data sources.

Apache-2.0 Roi Talpaz 15% Badge level for project 9858 is 15%
9859 java-fpe

FPE - Format Preserving Encryption with FF3 in Java

https://github.com/mysto/java-fpe Apache-2.0 Brad Schoening 15% Badge level for project 9859 is 15%
9860 gpcs

A modern backend API in cloud driven approach.

https://github.com/vinitparekh17/gpcs MIT Vinit Parekh 15% Badge level for project 9860 is 15%
9861 PyPackIT

Cloud-Native Continuous Software Engineering Automation for Python Packages on GitHub

https://pypackit.repodynamics.com AGPL-3.0 Armin Ariamajd 13% Badge level for project 9861 is 13%
9862 GaNDLF

A generalizable application framework for segmentation, regression, and classification using PyTorch

https://github.com/mlcommons/GaNDLF Apache-2.0 Sarthak Pati 24% Badge level for project 9862 is 24%
9863 pal

A simple API and UI for executing and scheduling system commands or scripts. Great for webhooks and automating Linux server operations over HTTPS contained...

https://github.com/marshyski/pal AGPL-3.0 Tim Ski 54% Badge level for project 9863 is 54%
9864 Symtegration

Haskell library for symbolic integration.

https://symtegration.dev Apache-2.0 Yoo Chung 2024-12-28 15:16:34 144% Badge level for project 9864 is 144%
9865 malware-cryptominer-container

Container image with malware and crypto miner for testing purposes

https://github.com/ruzickap/malware-cryptominer-container Apache-2.0 Petr Ruzicka 76% Badge level for project 9865 is 76%
9866 Go FDO

A FIDO Device Onboard library with minimal dependencies

https://github.com/fido-device-onboard/go-fdo Apache-2.0 Ben Krieger 21% Badge level for project 9866 is 21%
9867 pulse https://github.com/tanmaik/pulse tanmai 10% Badge level for project 9867 is 10%
9868 pyxplora_api

Unofficial python library for the Xplora® API

https://github.com/Ludy87/pyxplora_api MIT Ludy 18% Badge level for project 9868 is 18%
9869 ipv64

IPv64.net | Free DynDNS2 & Healthcheck Service Home Assistant Integration

https://github.com/Ludy87/ipv64 MIT Ludy 16% Badge level for project 9869 is 16%
9870 nerv_pathtracer

a pathtracer with physically based rendering in mind

https://github.com/Cewein/nerv_pathtracer MIT Maximilien Nowak 18% Badge level for project 9870 is 18%
9871 Blacklight

A vulkan hardware raytracer

https://github.com/Cewein/Blacklight Maximilien Nowak 13% Badge level for project 9871 is 13%
9872 openharmony

OpenHarmony是由开放原子开源基金会(OpenAtom Foundation)孵化及运营的开源项目, 目标是面向全场景、全连接、全智能时代、基于开源的方式,搭建一个智能终端设备操作系统的框架和平台,促进万物互联产业的繁荣发展

https://www.openharmony.cn CC-BY-4.0 wudamuguodan 2025-01-03 01:45:13 125% Badge level for project 9872 is 125%
9873 xplora_watch

Xplora® Watch Home Assistant Integration

https://github.com/Ludy87/xplora_watch MIT Ludy 15% Badge level for project 9873 is 15%
9874 privateer

Privateer is a plugin-based framework to validate the status of deployed resources.

https://github.com/privateerproj/privateer OTHER Eddie Knight 34% Badge level for project 9874 is 34%
9875 Anaplan https://github.com/HCB06/Anaplan Hasan Can Beydili 10% Badge level for project 9875 is 10%
9876 CloudVoxel

An Open-Source local-first solution to file sharing.

https://github.com/OpenVoxelStudios/CloudVoxel MIT Kubik 2025-01-18 21:47:16 162% Badge level for project 9876 is 162%
9877 File-Integrity-Monitoring

File Integrity Monitoring Tool

https://github.com/M-Faheem-Khan/File-Integrity-Monitoring Apache-2.0 Faheem Khan 69% Badge level for project 9877 is 69%
9878 EOL-RalphHightower

End Of Life Instructions and Services Planning of Ralph Hightower for Paula and and/or executors, probate. Includes Obituary, Songs For Service. what to do...

https://ralphhightower.github.io/EOL-RalphHightower CC0-1.0 Ralph Hightower 18% Badge level for project 9878 is 18%
9879 playground https://github.com/lmh720/playground lmh720 10% Badge level for project 9879 is 10%
9880 Configure SNMP on FDM using REST API

Firepower Device Manager (FDM) 6.7.0 and above - SNMP using python script

https://github.com/anupamx47/FDM-SNMP GPL-3.0 anupamx47 18% Badge level for project 9880 is 18%
9881 Della


https://github.com/lis767/Della lis767 10% Badge level for project 9881 is 10%

The "tiered %" field shows 300% for gold, 200% for silver, and 100% for passing, and adds progress after the highest-earned badge. You can also sort by the following: repository URL, create time (for the badge entry), last update time (for the badge entry), and user id