7972 Projects

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Id Name Description Website License Owner Last achieved at Tiered % Badge
9882 doma

DAO oriented database mapping framework for Java

https://doma.readthedocs.io Apache-2.0 Toshihiro Nakamura 15% Badge level for project 9882 is 15%
9883 jobGPT

A Job Seeking Tool Powered by GPT presented by OfferPlus

https://github.com/chenyuan99/jobGPT Apache-2.0 Yuan Chen 15% Badge level for project 9883 is 15%
9884 UsTaxes

Tax filing web application

https://ustaxes.org/start AGPL-3.0 Yuan Chen 16% Badge level for project 9884 is 16%
9885 Therapist-Copilot

SOJO: A toolbox that makes music-therapist-patient interactions easier before, between, and after sessions.

https://www.sojoai.com Apache-2.0 Yuan Chen 15% Badge level for project 9885 is 15%
9886 openPark

Open Source Parking Spot Detection using satellite/drone vision data

https://chenyuan99.github.io/openparking MIT Yuan Chen 15% Badge level for project 9886 is 15%
9887 josiahp.github.io https://github.com/josiahp/josiahp.github.io Josiah Purtlebaugh 10% Badge level for project 9887 is 10%
9888 growerp

GrowERP Flutter ERP for Android, IOS,Web,Linux and Windows using Moqui.org, Apache OFBiz

https://www.growerp.com OTHER Hans Bakker 13% Badge level for project 9888 is 13%
9889 syngit

Syngit - Kubernetes operator to push resources on a git repository and manage their lifecycle.

https://github.com/syngit-org/syngit Apache-2.0 Damien 2025-01-14 09:50:52 124% Badge level for project 9889 is 124%
9890 prune_backups

A small tool to prune a bunch of backup directories to the typical pattern of one per hour for a day, one per day for a month, and then one per month.

https://github.com/TomTonic/prune_backups GPL-3.0 Tom Tonic 61% Badge level for project 9890 is 61%
9891 ASL Interpreter

Interpreter and compiler for the ISA specification language "Architecture Specification Language" (ASL)

https://intellabs.github.io/asl-interpreter BSD-3-Clause Alastair Reid 2025-01-06 18:21:30 107% Badge level for project 9891 is 107%
9892 Linuxfabrik Monitoring Plugins

220+ check plugins for Icinga and other Nagios-compatible monitoring applications. Each plugin is a standalone command line tool (written in Python) that...

https://linuxfabrik.ch UNLICENSE Markus Frei 94% Badge level for project 9892 is 94%
9893 Data Product Portal

The Data Product Portal enables to scale building data products across all departments in an organisation in a self-service manner. It does so...

https://github.com/conveyordata/data-product-portal Apache-2.0 Stijn Janssens 61% Badge level for project 9893 is 61%
9894 MDSpanTest

std::(experimental::)mdspan related testing

https://github.com/torsknod2/MDSpanTest Apache-2.0 Torsten Marco Knodt 73% Badge level for project 9894 is 73%
9895 gvirtualxray

gVirtualXRay is a C++ library to simulate X-ray imaging. It is based on the Beer-Lambert law to compute the absorption of light (i.e. photons) by 3D objects...

https://sourceforge.net/projects/gvirtualxray BSD-3-Clause effepivi 40% Badge level for project 9895 is 40%
9896 azqr

Azure Quick Review

https://azure.github.io/azqr MIT Carlos Mendible 58% Badge level for project 9896 is 58%
9897 timewarrior-tagsum

timewarrior extension that prints the total length of time spent on each of the selected tags in the selected time frame.

https://github.com/danteu/timewarrior-tagsum MIT Daniel Teunis 15% Badge level for project 9897 is 15%
9898 .github

Top level project readme.

https://github.com/score-spec/.github Apache-2.0 Mathieu Benoit 15% Badge level for project 9898 is 15%
9899 score.dev

Source code for the score.dev website including blog

https://score.dev MIT Mathieu Benoit 15% Badge level for project 9899 is 15%
9900 score-compose

Reference implementation for docker-compose target platform support

https://docs.score.dev/docs/score-implementation/score-compose Apache-2.0 Mathieu Benoit 81% Badge level for project 9900 is 81%
9901 Checkmate

Checkmate is an open-source, self-hosted tool designed to track and monitor server hardware, uptime, response times, and incidents in real-time with...

https://checkmate.so AGPL-3.0 Gorkem Cetin (BWL) 99% Badge level for project 9901 is 99%
9902 partcad

The first package manager for hardware: design modularly, build efficiently, and reuse hardware designs like never before.

https://partcad.org Aleksandr Ilin 10% Badge level for project 9902 is 10%
9903 AL-Go

The plug-and-play DevOps solution for Business Central app development on GitHub

MIT Maria Zhelezova 15% Badge level for project 9903 is 15%
9904 jira-plugin

Jenkins jira plugin

MIT Radek Antoniuk 19% Badge level for project 9904 is 19%
9905 Pack CLI

CLI for building apps using Cloud Native Buildpacks

https://buildpacks.io Apache-2.0 Joe Kutner 2025-01-09 19:29:28 105% Badge level for project 9905 is 105%
9906 DemoMonkey

Custom Demo Every Demo

http://bit.ly/demomonkey Apache-2.0 Severin Neumann 15% Badge level for project 9906 is 15%
9907 DocsGPT

Chatbot for documentation, that allows you to chat with your data. Privately deployable, provides AI knowledge sharing and integrates knowledge into your AI...

https://app.docsgpt.cloud MIT Alex 2025-02-13 11:36:28 105% Badge level for project 9907 is 105%
9908 s3packer

s3packer is an S3-Compatible object storage profile-based backup & upload application, written in Go. Works with AWS S3, OCI Object Storage, Akamai (Linode)...

https://github.com/orme292/s3packer MIT Andrew Orme 21% Badge level for project 9908 is 21%
9909 widget-kcookiecutter

A cookiecutter template for creating a custom Jupyter widget project.

https://github.com/mahdiansyah1/widget-cookiecutter BSD-3-Clause Mahdiansyah 22% Badge level for project 9909 is 22%
9910 jsPsych

Create behavioral experiments in a browser using JavaScript

http://www.jspsych.org MIT Josh de Leeuw 36% Badge level for project 9910 is 36%
9911 phishing_pot

A collection of phishing samples for researchers and detection developers.

https://github.com/rf-peixoto/phishing_pot OTHER Fábio Trentino 13% Badge level for project 9911 is 13%

The "tiered %" field shows 300% for gold, 200% for silver, and 100% for passing, and adds progress after the highest-earned badge. You can also sort by the following: repository URL, create time (for the badge entry), last update time (for the badge entry), and user id