7508 Projects

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Id Name Description Website License Owner Last achieved at Tiered % Badge
6402 dag

Yet another directed acyclic graph (DAG) implementation in golang.

https://github.com/heimdalr/dag BSD-3-Clause seboghpub 75% Badge level for project 6402 is 75%
6403 deeprank2

Deeprank2 is a deep learning framework for data mining protein-protein interactions using either graph neural networks or convolutional neural networks.

https://github.com/DeepRank/deeprank2 Apache-2.0 Giulia Crocioni 81% Badge level for project 6403 is 81%
6404 algorithm-exercises-py

Algorithms exercises solved in Python 3. Developed with TDD.

https://github.com/sir-gon/algorithm-exercises-py MIT Gonzalo Diaz 97% Badge level for project 6404 is 97%
6405 notifier

The notifications microservice is an independently deployable component intended for sending various types of notifications.

https://github.com/sflpro/notifier Apache-2.0 Vardges Stepanyan 18% Badge level for project 6405 is 18%
6406 RaptorML

Take ML Notebook to production in less than 5 minutes

https://raptor.ml Apache-2.0 Almog Baku 2022-08-30 11:44:32 105% Badge level for project 6406 is 105%
6407 jenkins_api https://github.com/aviam/jenkins_api Avi Amsalem 10% Badge level for project 6407 is 10%
6408 Tekton Chains

Supply Chain Security in Tekton Pipelines

https://github.com/tektoncd/chains Apache-2.0 Billy Lynch 2022-09-27 20:33:18 104% Badge level for project 6408 is 104%
6409 bomber

Scans SBoMs for security vulnerabilities

https://github.com/devops-kung-fu/bomber MPL-2.0 DJ Schleen 2022-08-31 19:13:10 109% Badge level for project 6409 is 109%
6410 ISAC-SIMO Django Backend

ISAC-SIMO_Django Backend

https://github.com/ISAC-SIMO/ISAC-SIMO Apache-2.0 Nirmal Adhikari 2022-09-16 09:38:33 109% Badge level for project 6410 is 109%
6411 Open Build Service

Build and distribute Linux packages from sources in an automatic, consistent and reproducible way

https://openbuildservice.org GPL-2.0 Henne Vogelsang 2022-09-02 12:46:23 182% Badge level for project 6411 is 182%
6412 coveragepy

The code coverage tool for Python

https://coverage.readthedocs.io Apache-2.0 Ned Batchelder 2022-09-01 18:06:03 164% Badge level for project 6412 is 164%
6413 NScrapy

NScrapy is a .net core corss platform Distributed Spider Framework which provide an easy way to write your own Spider

https://github.com/xboxeer/NScrapy Apache-2.0 Elendil 15% Badge level for project 6413 is 15%
6414 and-wait-matcher

Small hamcrest matcher which is waiting (with timeout) for the expected value

https://github.com/YunaBraska/and-wait-matcher MIT Yuna 27% Badge level for project 6414 is 27%
6415 loggercheck

A linter for logr,klog,zap that can also works with golangci-lint as a plugin

https://github.com/timonwong/loggercheck MIT Timon Wong 18% Badge level for project 6415 is 18%
6448 fybrik


https://fybrik.io Apache-2.0 Alexey Roytman 19% Badge level for project 6448 is 19%
6449 shifu https://github.com/Edgenesis/shifu Tom Qin 3% Badge level for project 6449 is 3%
6450 libgphoto2 digital camera access

The libgphoto2 library is a camera access and control library.

https://github.com/gphoto/libgphoto2 LGPL-2.1 Marcus Meissner 45% Badge level for project 6450 is 45%
6451 vermin

Concurrently detect the minimum Python versions needed to run code.

https://github.com/netromdk/vermin MIT Morten Kristensen 99% Badge level for project 6451 is 99%
6452 jvm-platform

Programmatic access to information about the JVM platform.

https://github.com/Fleshgrinder/jvm-platform Unlicense Fleshgrinder 81% Badge level for project 6452 is 81%
6453 ada https://github.ibm.com/EPM/ada Julia Farias 3% Badge level for project 6453 is 3%
6454 EditorJS Toggle Block

Toggle block tool for EditorJS

https://www.npmjs.com/package/editorjs-toggle-block MIT Miguel Nieto A 2022-12-30 21:26:25 104% Badge level for project 6454 is 104%
6455 global http://global.com.au justinhill3112 1% Badge level for project 6455 is 1%
6456 FDC3-conformance-framework

A framework for testing whether desktop containers implement the FDC3 standard

https://github.com/finos/FDC3-conformance-framework Apache-2.0 Colin Eberhardt 15% Badge level for project 6456 is 15%
6457 feathr

Feathr – An Enterprise-Grade, High Performance Feature Store

https://github.com/linkedin/feathr Apache-2.0 Xiaoyong Zhu 2022-09-08 09:48:06 113% Badge level for project 6457 is 113%
6458 iotagent-node-lib

Module to enable IoT Agent developers to build custom agents for their devices that can easily connect to NGSI Context Brokers

https://iotagent-node-lib.rtfd.io AGPL-3.0 MayankSingh-NEC 16% Badge level for project 6458 is 16%
6459 Tracks

Tracks is a GTD™ web application, built with Ruby on Rails

https://www.getontracks.org GPL-2.0 Jyri-Petteri Paloposki 99% Badge level for project 6459 is 99%
6460 MVVMTemplate

An Android Template with MVVM and Clean Architecture

https://github.com/Drjacky/MVVMTemplate MIT Hossein Abbasi 33% Badge level for project 6460 is 33%
6461 Elixir Stellar Base

Low-level elixir library to read, write, hash, and sign XDR primitive constructs used in the Stellar network

https://hex.pm/packages/stellar_base MIT Miguel Nieto A 2022-12-29 21:46:55 107% Badge level for project 6461 is 107%
6462 ftp

FTP client package for Go

https://github.com/jlaffaye/ftp ISC Julien Laffaye 91% Badge level for project 6462 is 91%
6463 modbusone

A modbus library for Go, with unified client and server APIs. One implementation to rule them all.

https://github.com/xiegeo/modbusone BSD-3-Clause George Xie 15% Badge level for project 6463 is 15%

The "tiered %" field shows 300% for gold, 200% for silver, and 100% for passing, and adds progress after the highest-earned badge. You can also sort by the following: repository URL, create time (for the badge entry), last update time (for the badge entry) y user id