7358 Projects

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Id Name Description Website License Owner Last achieved at Tiered % Badge
4549 nominee https://github.com/mlyahmed/nominee mlyahmed 13% Badge level for project 4549 is 13%
4550 django-DefectDojo

DefectDojo is an open-source application vulnerability correlation and security orchestration tool.

https://www.defectdojo.org BSD-3-Clause Matt Tesauro 16% Badge level for project 4550 is 16%
4552 staging-xcp https://staging-xcp.myxifralifestyle.com Alberto Alejandro Larios Manzano 3% Badge level for project 4552 is 3%
4553 template.github.docs

Template and Example of a Repo with basic files that can be included for Github 💯%

https://github.com/devlinjunker/template.github.docs MIT devlinjunker 96% Badge level for project 4553 is 96%
4554 Kubernetes Goat

Kubernetes Goat is an interactive Kubernetes security learning playground. It has intentionally vulnerable by design scenarios to showcase the common...

https://madhuakula.com/kubernetes-goat MIT Madhu Akula 52% Badge level for project 4554 is 52%
4556 wpessential

WPEssential is a flexible extension of WordPress. Just install the WPEssential plugin from WordPress.org and get start the WordPress theme creating....

https://github.com/WordPressEssential/wpessential OTHER WPEssential 13% Badge level for project 4556 is 13%
4557 obsei

Obsei is intended to be a workflow automation tool for text segmentation need.

https://github.com/lalitpagaria/obsei Apache-2.0 Lalit Pagaria 72% Badge level for project 4557 is 72%
4558 Core Infrastructure Initiative 100% Example/Template

Example Project with 100% Core Infrastructure Initiative Criteria passing status - see https://bestpractices.coreinfrastructure.org/en/criteria

https://github.com/devlinjunker/example.cii MIT devlinjunker 2021-01-04 05:13:41 109% Badge level for project 4558 is 109%
4559 migraph

Multimodal and multilevel network analysis

https://snlab-ch.github.io/migraph MIT James Hollway 2021-04-11 18:42:18 107% Badge level for project 4559 is 107%
4560 checkov

Prevent cloud misconfigurations during build-time for Terraform, Cloudformation, Kubernetes, Serverless framework and other infrastructure-as-code-languages...

https://www.checkov.io Apache-2.0 Barak Schoster Goihman 16% Badge level for project 4560 is 16%
4561 medusa

A cli tool for importing and exporting Vault secrets

https://github.com/jonasvinther/medusa MIT Jonas Vinther 24% Badge level for project 4561 is 24%
4562 manydata

An R package for global governance data

https://github.com/globalgov/manydata CC-BY-4.0 James Hollway 2021-05-14 07:22:51 113% Badge level for project 4562 is 113%
4563 goldfish

An R package for actor-oriented and tie-based network event models

https://github.com/snlab-ch/goldfish GPL-3.0 James Hollway 16% Badge level for project 4563 is 16%
4564 rsiena

An R package for Simulation Investigation for Empirical Network Analysis

https://github.com/snlab-nl/rsiena GPL-3.0 James Hollway 18% Badge level for project 4564 is 18%
4566 Modernizr

Modernizr is a JavaScript library that detects HTML5 and CSS3 features in the user’s browser.

https://modernizr.com MIT Veeck 24% Badge level for project 4566 is 24%
4567 object-mappers-playground

Object mappers playground

https://github.com/AlexRogalskiy/object-mappers-playground GPL-3.0 Alexander 27% Badge level for project 4567 is 27%
4568 Female_Health_Analysis

This repositority is a Data Analysis on Breast Cancer screenings in medicine

https://github.com/danielschulz/Female_Health_Analysis MIT Daniel Schulz 15% Badge level for project 4568 is 15%
4569 MONAI

AI Toolkit for Healthcare Imaging

https://monai.io Apache-2.0 Daniel Schulz 18% Badge level for project 4569 is 18%
4571 airshipit

Airshipctl is a command-line interface that enables users to manage declarative infrastructure and software.

Airshipctl aims to provide a seamless...

https://www.airshipit.org Apache-2.0 Roman Gorshunov 69% Badge level for project 4571 is 69%
4572 HospitalWebsite

A website which connects doctors, patients and services like ambulance provider.

https://hospital-help.herokuapp.com MIT Aman Dwivedi 69% Badge level for project 4572 is 69%
4573 Neucore - Alliance Core Services

A web application for EVE Online communities to organise their members into groups, monitor them and provide access to external services.

https://github.com/tkhamez/neucore MIT Tian Khamez 99% Badge level for project 4573 is 99%
4574 docker-qnap-pushover

Pushover notifications for QNAP NAS system events via python-pushover

https://hub.docker.com/r/dorish/qnap-pushover MIT TheCatLady 15% Badge level for project 4574 is 15%
4575 ProcessScheduler

ProcessScheduler is a Python package for creating optimized scheduling based on identified resources and tasks to be carried out. It offers a set of classes...

https://processscheduler.github.io GPL-3.0 Thomas Paviot 46% Badge level for project 4575 is 46%
4576 curiefense

Curiefense extends Envoy proxy to defend against a variety of threats, including SQL and command injection, cross site scripting (XSS), account takeovers...

https://curiefense.io Apache-2.0 Justin Dorfman 2021-02-27 11:32:43 111% Badge level for project 4576 is 111%
4577 Maryam

Open-source Intelligence(OSINT) Framework

https://owasp.org/www-project-maryam GPL-3.0 Saeed Dehqan 81% Badge level for project 4577 is 81%
4578 CatLearnQt


https://github.com/graycatya/CatLearnQt GPL-3.0 cat 78% Badge level for project 4578 is 78%
4579 kubectl-janitor

List Kubernetes objects in a problematic state

https://github.com/dastergon/kubectl-janitor Apache-2.0 Pavlos Ratis 15% Badge level for project 4579 is 15%
4580 jabref

Graphical Java application for managing BibTeX and biblatex (.bib) databases

https://www.jabref.org MIT Oliver Kopp 18% Badge level for project 4580 is 18%
4581 OctopyFramework

A lightweight PHP framework with Laravel look like.

https://framework.octopy.id MIT Supian M 15% Badge level for project 4581 is 15%
4582 GCP Billing Info

Get GCP pricing for Compute Engine Instances

https://github.com/alvjtc/gcpbillinginfo Apache-2.0 Álvaro José Teijido Carpente 15% Badge level for project 4582 is 15%

The "tiered %" field shows 300% for gold, 200% for silver, and 100% for passing, and adds progress after the highest-earned badge. You can also sort by the following: repository URL, create time (for the badge entry), last update time (for the badge entry) e user id