7505 Projects

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Id Name Description Website License Owner Last achieved at Tiered % Badge
4686 DeleteMeMongoAkka https://github.com/yleniaBattistini/DeleteMeMongoAkka Apache-2.0 yleniaBattistini 15% Badge level for project 4686 is 15%
4687 akkamongo https://github.com/yleniaBattistini/akkamongo Apache-2.0 yleniaBattistini 15% Badge level for project 4687 is 15%
4688 akkamongo https://github.com/enrignagna/akkamongo Apache-2.0 enrignagna 15% Badge level for project 4688 is 15%
4689 screwdriver

An open source build platform designed for continuous delivery.

https://screwdriver.cd BSD-3-Clause Jithin Emmanuel 2021-06-25 22:05:43 115% Badge level for project 4689 is 115%
4690 fairtally

Python application to analyze multiple GitHub and GitLab repositories compliance with the fair-software.eu recommendations.

https://github.com/fair-software/fairtally Apache-2.0 Faruk D. 31% Badge level for project 4690 is 31%
4691 orange-hackathon

Orange modules for text processing in the project What Works When for Whom?

https://research-software.nl/projects/1286 Apache-2.0 Erik Tjong Kim Sang 15% Badge level for project 4691 is 15%
4692 data-processing

Data processing scripts for the project What Works When for Whom?

https://research-software.nl/projects/1286 OTHER Erik Tjong Kim Sang 15% Badge level for project 4692 is 15%
4693 online_quiz

Answer keeping and score keeping for online quizzes

https://github.com/eriktks/online_quiz Apache-2.0 Erik Tjong Kim Sang 15% Badge level for project 4693 is 15%
4694 ORAN SC: Service Management and Orchestration (SMO)

The primary goal of the SMO project is to creating a fully functional open-source Service Management and Orchestration (SMO) that is able to orchestrate and...

https://wiki.o-ran-sc.org/x/L4s_AQ Trishan de Lanerolle 2022-02-08 18:16:56 111% Badge level for project 4694 is 111%
4695 FIWARE IoT Agent JSON

An Internet of Things Agent for a JSON based protocol (with AMQP, HTTP and MQTT transports). This IoT Agent is designed to be a bridge between JSON and the...

https://github.com/telefonicaid/iotagent-json AGPL-3.0 mapedraza 2021-03-10 15:37:41 115% Badge level for project 4695 is 115%
4696 TTE.project1

Sample TTE Project for DIH squared

https://github.com/FcoMelendez/TTE.project1 MIT FcoMelendez 16% Badge level for project 4696 is 16%
4698 FIWARE IoT Agent Sigfox

An Internet of Things Agent for the Sigfox callbacks protocol and the NGSI interface of a context broker.

It is based on the IoT Agent Node.js Library....

https://github.com/telefonicaid/sigfox-iotagent AGPL-3.0 mapedraza 2021-03-10 16:09:09 113% Badge level for project 4698 is 113%
4699 FIWARE IoT Agent UltraLight

An Internet of Things Agent for the Ultralight 2.0 protocol (with AMQP, HTTP and MQTT transports). This IoT Agent is designed to be a bridge between...

https://github.com/telefonicaid/iotagent-ul AGPL-3.0 mapedraza 2021-03-10 17:01:49 115% Badge level for project 4699 is 115%
4701 FIWARE IoT Agent for OMA LightWeight Machine2Machine

This Internet of Things Agent is designed to be a bridge between the OMA Lightweight M2M protocol and the NGSI interface of a context broker

It is based...

https://github.com/telefonicaid/lightweightm2m-iotagent AGPL-3.0 mapedraza 2021-03-11 16:12:01 115% Badge level for project 4701 is 115%
4702 go-set

implements a set backed by a hash map

https://github.com/SeananXu/go-set MIT Seanan 15% Badge level for project 4702 is 15%
4703 uds

Python package for handling Unified Diagnostic Services (UDS) protocol defined by ISO 14229. It supports different communication buses on both sides of...

https://github.com/mdabrowski1990/uds MIT Maciej Dąbrowski 2021-08-25 08:25:32 115% Badge level for project 4703 is 115%
4704 AutoPas

Autopas is a node-level auto-tuned particle simulation library developed in the context of the TaLPas project.

https://autopas.github.io BSD-2-Clause Steffen Seckler 19% Badge level for project 4704 is 19%
4705 pps-ci-lab

Continuous Integration Lab for PPS

https://github.com/yleniaBattistini/pps-ci-lab yleniaBattistini 10% Badge level for project 4705 is 10%
4738 enoslib

[MIRROR OF https://gitlab.inria.fr/discovery/enoslib] A library to build experimental frameworks on various platforms

https://github.com/BeyondTheClouds/enoslib GPL-3.0 Matthieu Simonin 16% Badge level for project 4738 is 16%
4739 are-objects-equals

A tool to compare objects easier

https://www.npmjs.com/package/are-objects-equals MIT Ricardo Gastón Pereyra 16% Badge level for project 4739 is 16%
4740 Idra - Open Data Federation Platform

Idra is a web application able to federate existing Open Data Management Systems (ODMS) based on different technologies providing a unique access point to...

https://idra.eng.it AGPL-3.0 Roberto Callari 2021-08-24 14:04:57 105% Badge level for project 4740 is 105%
4741 make-booster

Utility routines to simplify using GNU make and Python

https://github.com/david-a-wheeler/make-booster MIT David A. Wheeler 16% Badge level for project 4741 is 16%
4742 lapin

AMQP client library in Rust, with a clean, futures based API

https://github.com/CleverCloud/lapin MIT Marc-Antoine Perennou 16% Badge level for project 4742 is 16%
4743 s3cr3t

A supercharged S3 reverse proxy

https://github.com/axl89/s3cr3t GPL-3.0 Axel Amigo Arnold 16% Badge level for project 4743 is 16%
4744 camaro

camaro is an utility to transform XML to JSON, using Node.js binding to native XML parser pugixml, one of the fastest XML parser around.

https://github.com/tuananh/camaro MIT Tuan Anh Tran 15% Badge level for project 4744 is 15%
4745 TASLibPHP

A PHP library for faster web development without frameworks

https://github.com/TrueArrowSoftware/TASLibPHP MIT Sumit Gupta 15% Badge level for project 4745 is 15%
4746 Project EVE

EVE-OS EVE aims to develop an open, agnostic and standardized architecture unifying the approach to developing and orchestrating cloud-native applications...

https://www.lfedge.org/projects/eve Apache-2.0 Aaron (LFEdge) Williams 2023-03-03 22:39:34 164% Badge level for project 4746 is 164%
4747 webrtc

Pure Go implementation of the WebRTC API

https://pion.ly MIT Sean DuBois 15% Badge level for project 4747 is 15%
4748 Cloud Native Buildpacks

The Cloud Native Buildpacks project provides tooling to transform source code into container images using modular, reusable build functions called...

https://buildpacks.io Apache-2.0 Andres Vega 2021-03-17 18:57:49 105% Badge level for project 4748 is 105%
4749 phy

Implementation of O-RAN O-DU L1 (i.e. phy) that includes libraries for Front Haul Interface (FHI) per O-RAN WG4 CUS Specs, wls library with shared memory...

https://gerrit.o-ran-sc.org/r/o-du/phy.git Apache-2.0 Trishan de Lanerolle 2021-12-01 19:23:51 111% Badge level for project 4749 is 111%

The "tiered %" field shows 300% for gold, 200% for silver, and 100% for passing, and adds progress after the highest-earned badge. You can also sort by the following: repository URL, create time (for the badge entry), last update time (for the badge entry) e user id