7954 Projects

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Id Name Description Website License Owner Last achieved at Tiered % Badge
2072 RoleOne webapp

An online plataform to play Table Top RPG. It provides severals RPG themes, option to create your custom classes, monsters, itens, and even RPG themes. Here...

https://gitlab.com/roleone/webapp lucas gomes 3% Badge level for project 2072 is 3%
2077 rcosmo

Handling and Analysing Spherical, HEALPix and Cosmic Microwave Background data on a HEALPix grid.

https://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/rcosmo/index.html GPL-3.0-only olenko 2020-08-24 04:35:51 115% Badge level for project 2077 is 115%
2078 JavaProjectTemplate https://github.com/kiat/JavaProjectTemplate Apache-2.0 Kia Teymourian 18% Badge level for project 2078 is 18%
2079 fastify-oas https://gitlab.com/m03geek/fastify-oas m03geek 3% Badge level for project 2079 is 3%
2081 tsibble

Tidy Temporal Data Frames and Tools in R

https://pkg.earo.me/tsibble GPL-3.0-or-later Earo Wang 97% Badge level for project 2081 is 97%
2082 rcosmo

Handling and Statistical analysis of Cosmic Microwave Background data on HEALPix sphere

https://github.com/VidaliLama/rcosmo OTHER Daniel Vidali Fryer 13% Badge level for project 2082 is 13%
2083 MortalityLaws

Fit and compare the most popular human mortality laws - R package

https://github.com/mpascariu/MortalityLaws GPL-3.0 Marius D. Pascariu 2018-08-06 08:35:09 138% Badge level for project 2083 is 138%
2084 rcpp_progress

RcppProgress R package: An interruptible progress bar with OpenMP support for c++ in R packages

https://github.com/kforner/rcpp_progress Karl Forner 15% Badge level for project 2084 is 15%
2085 friendica

Friendica Communications Platform

https://friendi.ca OTHER Philipp 19% Badge level for project 2085 is 19%
2086 open-o-formation https://github.com/mkdolan/open-o-formation Mike Dolan 13% Badge level for project 2086 is 13%
2088 natsctl

The simplest CLI, but one of the most useful ever! If you ever wanted to use NATS client within your bash :D

https://github.com/Horaddrim/natsctl Apache-2.0 Igor Franca 43% Badge level for project 2088 is 43%
2089 landscapemetrics

Landscape Metrics for Categorical Map Patterns 🗺️ in R

https://landscapeecology.github.io/landscapemetrics GPL-3.0-or-later Marco Sciaini 73% Badge level for project 2089 is 73%
2090 svconfound https://github.com/Keyeoh/svconfound MIT Keyeoh 15% Badge level for project 2090 is 15%
2091 HIBPwned

R Package 📦 for using the HaveIBeenPwned.com API

https://itsalocke.com/hibpwned MIT Maëlle Salmon 96% Badge level for project 2091 is 96%
2092 icd

Fast ICD-10 and ICD-9 comorbidities, decoding and validation in R

https://jackwasey.github.io/icd GPL-3.0 Jack Wasey 2018-08-08 19:05:01 97% Badge level for project 2092 is 97%
2093 openssl-alpine

OpenSSL three tier certificate generator

https://hub.docker.com/r/pgarrett/openssl-alpine MIT Phill Garrett 16% Badge level for project 2093 is 16%
2094 ROriginStamp https://github.com/rkrug/ROriginStamp OTHER Rainer M Krug 13% Badge level for project 2094 is 13%
2095 harbor

Harbor is an an open source trusted cloud native registry project that stores, signs, and scans content.

https://goharbor.io Apache License 2.0 Steven Zou 2019-10-31 05:44:09 235% Badge level for project 2095 is 235%
2096 iTerm-ils

Simple implementation of UNIX basic command ls with file icons

https://github.com/kandziu/iTerm-ils MIT Dmitri Vasilishin 19% Badge level for project 2096 is 19%
2097 elasticsearch-partition

A Python library for creating Elasticsearch partitioned indexes by date range

https://github.com/kandziu/elasticsearch-partition MIT Dmitri Vasilishin 16% Badge level for project 2097 is 16%
2098 DefectDojo

DefectDojo is an open-source application vulnerability correlation and security orchestration application.

https://www.defectdojo.org BSD-3-Clause Aaron Weaver 2018-08-10 01:42:25 109% Badge level for project 2098 is 109%
2100 Test https://github.com/amreshh/Test amreshh 10% Badge level for project 2100 is 10%
2103 sunpy

SunPy - Python for Solar Physics

http://www.sunpy.org BSD-2-Clause David Pérez-Suárez 88% Badge level for project 2103 is 88%
2104 ts-swap

The reference implementation of OpenSwap - a decentralized cross-chain cryptocurrency trading network with no fees/tokens

https://github.com/openswap/ts-swap MIT Komninos C. 93% Badge level for project 2104 is 93%
2105 Zettelkasten

contains random bits and pieces of documentation that should be shared publicly

https://github.com/MaineC/Zettelkasten Apache-2.0 Isabel Drost-Fromm 15% Badge level for project 2105 is 15%
2108 prometheus

The Prometheus monitoring system and time series database.

https://prometheus.io Apache-2.0 Tariq Ibrahim 21% Badge level for project 2108 is 21%
2109 AspectBasedSentimentAnalysis

Aspect Based Sentiment Analysis is a special type of sentiment analysis. In an explicit aspect, opinion is expressed on a target(opinion target), this...

http://amitkushwaha.co.in Amit Kushwaha 9% Badge level for project 2109 is 9%
2110 ddd (codename)

Democracy-Driven Development

https://framagit.org/ddd/ddd MIT Nathanael 78% Badge level for project 2110 is 78%
2111 MOE

P2P encoded message service with a DIY hardware component

https://cegal.gitlab.io/MOE GPL-3.0-or-later cegal 2018-08-15 18:15:05 111% Badge level for project 2111 is 111%
2112 grpc

A high performance, open-source universal RPC framework

https://grpc.io Apache-2.0 kailashs kailashs 2018-10-22 23:01:54 109% Badge level for project 2112 is 109%

The "tiered %" field shows 300% for gold, 200% for silver, and 100% for passing, and adds progress after the highest-earned badge. You can also sort by the following: repository URL, create time (for the badge entry), last update time (for the badge entry) e user id