7358 Projects

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Id Name Description Website License Owner Last achieved at Tiered % Badge
2197 ragnarok

Ragnarok is a library for solving lattice boltzmann method

https://github.com/lento234/ragnarok GPL-3.0 Lento Manickathan 15% Badge level for project 2197 is 15%
2198 gpuvis_server

Native C++ simple-simulator that parses GPU assembly and provides static analysis

https://github.com/dooglz/gpuvis_server AGPL-3.0 Sam Serrels 93% Badge level for project 2198 is 93%
2199 sanic-swagger

Easily document your Sanic API with a UI (and attrs!)

https://github.com/abatilo/sanic-swagger MIT Aaron 36% Badge level for project 2199 is 36%
2201 klog

Koa middleware for common log format access logs

https://github.com/cappalyst/klog MIT Richard Kemp 25% Badge level for project 2201 is 25%
2202 bank-holidays

Usefull functions to return list of all bank holidays per year and month plus working days in month

https://github.com/danielgp/bank-holidays MIT Daniel-Gheorghe Popiniuc 39% Badge level for project 2202 is 39%
2203 TPL-Compiler https://github.com/TPL-Group/TPL-Compiler AveryLindley 15% Badge level for project 2203 is 15%
2206 citellus

Framework to validate configuration and log files with bash, python, ruby and others.

https://github.com/citellusorg/citellus GPL-3.0 Pablo Iranzo Gómez 46% Badge level for project 2206 is 46%
2207 NodeMailer-Client

Server- and client-side implementation of NodeMailer which also implements MJML rendering

https://github.com/lucianonooijen/NodeMailer-Client GPL-3.0 Luciano Nooijen 16% Badge level for project 2207 is 16%
2208 spring_batch_course

Spring Batch Course

https://github.com/mickknutson/spring_batch_course GPL-3.0 Mick Knutson 15% Badge level for project 2208 is 15%
2209 js-zrim-test-bootstrap https://gitlab.com/zrim-everything/libraries/nodejs/js-zrim-test-bootstrap Eric NEGRO 3% Badge level for project 2209 is 3%
2211 lake

supervisor-free message relay

https://github.com/jancajthaml-openbank/lake Apache-2.0 Jan Cajthaml 19% Badge level for project 2211 is 19%
2212 planet4-docker

Greenpeace Planet4 dockerfiles repository

https://github.com/greenpeace/planet4-docker GPL-3.0 Ray Walker 18% Badge level for project 2212 is 18%
2213 deal.II

The development repository for the deal.II finite element library.

https://www.dealii.org LGPL-2.1-or-later Timo Heister 37% Badge level for project 2213 is 37%
2214 AppFramework

Plugin based application framework for C++

https://github.com/manthanrtilva/AppFramework manthanrtilva 10% Badge level for project 2214 is 10%
2215 skeleton

A skeleton golang project for Goomba.

https://github.com/goombaio/skeleton Apache-2.0 Raül Pérez 18% Badge level for project 2215 is 18%
2216 adieu https://github.com/caipre/adieu Nick 10% Badge level for project 2216 is 10%
2217 raft

Raft consensus protocol implementation in golang.

https://github.com/goombaio/raft Apache-2.0 Raül Pérez 18% Badge level for project 2217 is 18%
2218 nest-simulator

The NEST simulator

https://www.nest-simulator.org GPL-2.0 terhorstd 2019-11-18 14:47:20 120% Badge level for project 2218 is 120%
2219 Godot Engine

Godot is an advanced, feature-packed, multi-platform 2D and 3D open source game engine.

https://godotengine.org MIT Hugo Locurcio 97% Badge level for project 2219 is 97%
2220 ceph

Ceph is an object storage based free software storage platform that stores data on a single distributed computer cluster, and provides interfaces for...

https://ceph.io LGPL-3.0-only Mike Perez 96% Badge level for project 2220 is 96%
2222 log

A simple, modular, extensible golang log package.

https://github.com/goombaio/log Apache-2.0 Raül Pérez 18% Badge level for project 2222 is 18%
2223 gossip

A gossip protocol implementation in golang

https://github.com/goombaio/gossip Apache-2.0 Raül Pérez 18% Badge level for project 2223 is 18%
2224 cli

A flag parse library with support for commands and subcommands.

https://github.com/goombaio/cli Apache-2.0 Raül Pérez 18% Badge level for project 2224 is 18%
2225 TasmoAdmin

Website to manage Sonoff Devices flashed with Tasmota

https://github.com/reloxx13/TasmoAdmin GPL-3.0 reloxx13 16% Badge level for project 2225 is 16%
2226 Zowe - OpenSource for z/OS

Zowe is a collection of technologies that make embracing the mainframe (z/OS) in a familiar way for those not familiar with it. The technologies include...

https://zowe.org EPL-2.0 Matt Hogstrom 2018-12-20 14:54:45 107% Badge level for project 2226 is 107%
2227 kubeadm-ha

Boot a ha kubernetes 1.11.0 cluster with kubeadm.

https://github.com/Lentil1016/kubeadm-ha GPL-3.0 Lentil Sun 15% Badge level for project 2227 is 15%
2228 How-I-Learn-Python

Possible Variations of same program by Mayur Patil

https://github.com/ramlaxman/How-I-Learn-Python Mayur Patil (मयूर पाटील) 12% Badge level for project 2228 is 12%
2230 aist-git-tools

ZF2 Git Toolbar for ZendDeveloperTools.

https://github.com/ma-si/aist-git-tools OTHER MaSi 15% Badge level for project 2230 is 15%
2231 netdata

Real-time performance and health web monitoring, for Linux, FreeBSD and MacOS.

https://github.com/netdata/netdata GPL-3.0 Chris Akritidis 2023-05-18 12:02:33 184% Badge level for project 2231 is 184%
2232 React

Github Pages Version

https://mohammedfaragallah.github.io/React Mohammed Faragallah 10% Badge level for project 2232 is 10%

The "tiered %" field shows 300% for gold, 200% for silver, and 100% for passing, and adds progress after the highest-earned badge. You can also sort by the following: repository URL, create time (for the badge entry), last update time (for the badge entry) e user id