Miradi 7358

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Kitambulisho Jina Maelezo Tovuti Leseni Mmiliki Mpato wa mwisho ulikua Vipimo% Badge
7158 ModSink

A modpack distribution and download tool. Space efficient, hash-based storage. Work in progress.

https://github.com/j2ghz/ModSink AGPL-3.0 Jozef Hollý 15% Badge level for project 7158 is 15%
7159 servente

A web server designed for hosting static files and serves as a valuable tool for testing new ideas, features, and specifications. Despite its focus...

https://github.com/usadson/servente Tristan 21% Badge level for project 7159 is 21%
7160 badfish

Vendor-agnostic tool for managing bare-metal systems via the Redfish API

https://quads.dev GPL-3.0 Gonzalo Rafuls 22% Badge level for project 7160 is 22%
7161 TASVideos.org

The webserver hosted at TASVideos.org, including the core database of TAS works (essentially a file host), a wiki, and forums. Frontend in Bootstrap, backend...

https://tasvideos.org GPL-3.0 YoshiRulz 75% Badge level for project 7161 is 75%
7162 guava

Google core libraries for Java

https://github.com/joycebrum/guava Apache-2.0 Joyce 18% Badge level for project 7162 is 18%
7163 cloud-sql-python-connector

A Python library for connecting securely to your Cloud SQL instances.

https://github.com/GoogleCloudPlatform/cloud-sql-python-connector Apache-2.0 Jack Wotherspoon 2023-03-28 20:37:27 105% Badge level for project 7163 is 105%


https://github.com/diegohj66/DUYSTARSJCBS Apache-2.0 DUYSTARS 15% Badge level for project 7164 is 15%
7165 Koha

Koha is a web-based ILS, with a SQL database (MariaDB or MySQL preferred[citation needed]) back end with cataloguing data stored in MARC and accessible via...

https://koha-community.org GPL-3.0 mjames 42% Badge level for project 7165 is 42%
7166 J4cb5


https://github.com/diegohj66/J4cb5 DUYSTARS 10% Badge level for project 7166 is 10%
7167 Deploy-a-High-Availability-Web-App-Using-CloudFormation https://github.com/MU5A/Deploy-a-High-Availability-Web-App-Using-CloudFormation Musa M. Bashir 10% Badge level for project 7167 is 10%
7169 Semantic Kernel

Semantic Kernel (SK) is a lightweight SDK enabling integration of AI Large Language Models (LLMs) with conventional programming languages. The SK extensible...

https://github.com/microsoft/semantic-kernel MIT Devis Lucato 19% Badge level for project 7169 is 19%
7170 angular

The modern web developer’s platform

https://angular.io MIT Joey Perrott 88% Badge level for project 7170 is 88%
7171 angular-cli

CLI tool for Angular

https://cli.angular.io MIT Joey Perrott 18% Badge level for project 7171 is 18%
7172 components

Component infrastructure and Material Design components for Angular

https://material.angular.io MIT Joey Perrott 16% Badge level for project 7172 is 16%
7173 dev-infra

Angular Development Infrastructure

https://github.com/angular/dev-infra MIT Joey Perrott 18% Badge level for project 7173 is 18%
7174 metador-core

Core library of Metador, the FAIR metadata-first research data management framework.

https://materials-data-science-and-informatics.github.io/metador-core MIT Anton Pirogov 2023-08-02 08:33:22 107% Badge level for project 7174 is 107%
7176 fabric-token-sdk

The Fabric Token SDK is a set of API and services that lets developers create token-based distributed application on Hyperledger Fabric.

https://github.com/hyperledger-labs/fabric-token-sdk Apache-2.0 Angelo De Caro 19% Badge level for project 7176 is 19%
7177 mergo

Mergo: merging Go structs and maps since 2013

https://pkg.go.dev/dario.cat/mergo BSD-3-Clause Dario Castañé 25% Badge level for project 7177 is 25%
7178 SkylightOS

SkylightOS is a small, portable and extensible RTOS

https://github.com/EthernalRaine/SkylightOS AGPL-3.0 Lu 2023-04-02 18:45:22 104% Badge level for project 7178 is 104%
7179 InvenTree

Open Source Inventory Management System

https://inventree.org MIT Matthias Mair 2023-06-03 14:41:11 176% Badge level for project 7179 is 176%
7180 blackhat-tools

This repository contains tools made by completing exercises from various books on blackhat programming. The intent is to learn writing software in...

https://github.com/shsingh/blackhat-tools MIT Shain Singh 15% Badge level for project 7180 is 15%
7181 files-ui-react

UI components for file uploads with React js. Files UI is a complete library for handling files in the UI. You can validate and upload them. Multilanguage....

https://www.files-ui.com MIT JinSSJ3 91% Badge level for project 7181 is 91%
7182 Live Coding in Python

Live coding in Python with PyCharm, Emacs, Sublime Text, or even a browser. Run your code as you type it, and see the program state.

https://donkirkby.github.io/live-py-plugin MIT Don Kirkby 2023-04-08 02:14:38 111% Badge level for project 7182 is 111%
7183 locust-kubernetes-distributed

A complete ecosystem runing on top of Kubernetes, to show how to use Locust to do distributed load tests.

https://github.com/jjpaulo2/locust-kubernetes-distributed MIT João Paulo Carvalho 15% Badge level for project 7183 is 15%
7184 codespaces-jupyter

Explore machine learning and data science with Codespaces

https://github.com/Dadaser/codespaces-jupyter MIT dadaDad 15% Badge level for project 7184 is 15%
7185 clusternet

[CNCF Sandbox Project] Managing your Kubernetes clusters (including public, private, edge, etc.) as easily as visiting the Internet ⎈

https://clusternet.io Apache-2.0 Di Xu 2023-04-04 09:36:26 115% Badge level for project 7185 is 115%
7186 ktoml

Multiplatform TOML parser and compile-time serializer/deserializer for Kotlin (Native, JS, JVM) based on KxS

https://akuleshov7.github.io/ktoml MIT Andrey Kuleshov 15% Badge level for project 7186 is 15%
7187 base-repo

Basic repository service used as central component of the KIT DM 2.0 infrastructure.

https://kit-data-manager.github.io/webpage/base-repo/index.html Apache-2.0 Thomas Jejkal 30% Badge level for project 7187 is 30%
7190 filefilego

Decentralized Data Sharing Network - A Peer-to-peer, censorship-resistant, and a privacy-focused data sharing network

https://filefilego.com LGPL-3.0 filefilegoadmin 2023-04-06 10:57:00 105% Badge level for project 7190 is 105%
7191 kamaji https://github.com/clastix/kamaji simone ragonesi 3% Badge level for project 7191 is 3%

The "tiered %" field shows 300% for gold, 200% for silver, and 100% for passing, and adds progress after the highest-earned badge. You can also sort by the following: repository URL, create time (for the badge entry), last update time (for the badge entry), na kitambulisho cha mtumiaji