Miradi 7954

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Kitambulisho Jina Maelezo Tovuti Leseni Mmiliki Mpato wa mwisho ulikua Vipimo% Badge
9908 s3packer

s3packer is an S3-Compatible object storage profile-based backup & upload application, written in Go. Works with AWS S3, OCI Object Storage, Akamai (Linode)...

https://github.com/orme292/s3packer MIT Andrew Orme 21% Badge level for project 9908 is 21%
9909 widget-kcookiecutter

A cookiecutter template for creating a custom Jupyter widget project.

https://github.com/mahdiansyah1/widget-cookiecutter BSD-3-Clause Mahdiansyah 22% Badge level for project 9909 is 22%
9910 jsPsych

Create behavioral experiments in a browser using JavaScript

http://www.jspsych.org MIT Josh de Leeuw 36% Badge level for project 9910 is 36%
9911 phishing_pot

A collection of phishing samples for researchers and detection developers.

https://github.com/rf-peixoto/phishing_pot OTHER Fábio Trentino 13% Badge level for project 9911 is 13%
9912 VGArchive

Charity video game marathon search engine

https://github.com/pyrox0/vgarchive MPL-2.0 Pyrox 94% Badge level for project 9912 is 94%
9913 score-k8s

A reference Score implementation that targets Kubernetes

https://docs.score.dev/docs/score-implementation/score-k8s Apache-2.0 Mathieu Benoit 15% Badge level for project 9913 is 15%
9914 score-go

Reference library for parsing and loading Score files

https://github.com/score-spec/score-go Apache-2.0 Mathieu Benoit 18% Badge level for project 9914 is 18%
9915 SteamFork

Home of the SteamFork Gaming distribution.

https://github.com/SteamFork MIT fewtarius 33% Badge level for project 9915 is 33%
9916 docs-travis-ci-com

The Travis CI Documentation

http://docs.travis-ci.com Dora Aumada 12% Badge level for project 9916 is 12%
9917 kubernetes-ingress-controller

Kong for Kubernetes: The official Ingress Controller for Kubernetes.

https://docs.konghq.com/kubernetes-ingress-controller Apache-2.0 Patryk Małek 22% Badge level for project 9917 is 22%
9918 auroraboreas

Me sinto capaz de fazer poesia de novo.

https://nataliagranato.xyz GPL-3.0 Natália Granato 16% Badge level for project 9918 is 16%
9919 HuggingFace_Backup

Huggingface Backup - Jupyter, Colab and Python Script

https://github.com/Ktiseos-Nyx/HuggingFace_Backup CC0-1.0 The Duskfall Portal Crew 19% Badge level for project 9919 is 19%
9920 cap

A modern, lightning-quick PoW captcha

https://cap.tiagorangel.com AGPL-3.0-only Tiago Rangel 2025-01-15 17:38:56 105% Badge level for project 9920 is 105%

Config files for my GitHub profile.

https://github.com/MARRISLHARRIS Apache-2.0 Marris L Harris 19% Badge level for project 9921 is 19%
9922 basantsolanky.github.io https://github.com/basantsolanky/basantsolanky.github.io basantsolanky 10% Badge level for project 9922 is 10%
9923 artur

a framework to write modern apps

https://github.com/JonDotsoy/artur MIT Jon Dotsoy 19% Badge level for project 9923 is 19%
9924 gateway-operator

Kubernetes Operator for Kong Gateways

https://github.com/Kong/gateway-operator Apache-2.0 Patryk Małek 24% Badge level for project 9924 is 24%
9925 knoodle

Knoodle is a Free Open-Source alternative for graph-based texture designers. It is a tool for creating procedural textures using a node-based graph editor....

https://github.com/knoodle-graph/knoodle MIT Brian Batista 24% Badge level for project 9925 is 24%
9926 OpenGamepadUI

Open source gamepad-native game launcher and overlay

https://github.com/ShadowBlip/OpenGamepadUI GPL-3.0 Derek J. Clark 60% Badge level for project 9926 is 60%
9927 dilemma-tactix https://github.com/AliSajid/dilemma-tactix Apache-2.0 Ali Sajid Imami 94% Badge level for project 9927 is 94%
9928 xplora_watch https://github.com/Ludy87/xplora_watch Ludy 3% Badge level for project 9928 is 3%
9929 guro

Guro - A Simple System Monitoring & Benchmarking Toolkit Python Package

https://pypi.org/project/guro MIT Dhanush Kandhan 15% Badge level for project 9929 is 15%
9930 Lespass

Membership and Ticketing in cooperative and open network.

https://tibillet.org AGPL-3.0 Jonas TURBEAUX 15% Badge level for project 9930 is 15%
9931 Code-With-Python https://github.com/Madhav-P-2005/Code-With-Python Madhav P 10% Badge level for project 9931 is 10%
9932 Madhav-P-2005 https://github.com/Madhav-P-2005/Code-With-Python Unlicense Madhav P 21% Badge level for project 9932 is 21%
9933 CloudNativePG

CloudNativePG is a comprehensive platform designed to seamlessly manage PostgreSQL databases within Kubernetes environments, covering the entire operational...

https://cloudnative-pg.io Apache-2.0 Jonathan Gonzalez V. 2025-01-29 11:18:32 105% Badge level for project 9933 is 105%
9934 go2hx

Go to Haxe source-to-source compiler

https://go2hx.github.io MIT Joey 15% Badge level for project 9934 is 15%
9935 markup-validator

Check the markup validity of HTML, CSS, SVG and XML files using the W3C validator

https://github.com/webdevbynight/markup-validator MIT Victor Brito 30% Badge level for project 9935 is 30%
9936 Webform Quiz Elements

Create a simple quiz out of a webform with webform quiz elements module in Drupal

https://www.drupal.org/project/webform_quiz_elements GPL-2.0-or-later JannaKha 16% Badge level for project 9936 is 16%
9937 model-registry https://github.com/kubeflow/model-registry Apache-2.0 Milos Grubjesic 19% Badge level for project 9937 is 19%

The "tiered %" field shows 300% for gold, 200% for silver, and 100% for passing, and adds progress after the highest-earned badge. You can also sort by the following: repository URL, create time (for the badge entry), last update time (for the badge entry), na kitambulisho cha mtumiaji