Miradi 7954

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Kitambulisho Jina Maelezo Tovuti Leseni Mmiliki Mpato wa mwisho ulikua Vipimo% Badge
1969 echo-session

Package echo-session is a middleware that provides session support for echo.

https://github.com/ipfans/echo-session Apache-2.0 ipfans 15% Badge level for project 1969 is 15%
1972 koober-py Anuj Sharma 3% Badge level for project 1972 is 3%
1973 dmd

dmd D Programming Language compiler

https://dlang.org BSL-1.0 Sebastian Wilzbach 57% Badge level for project 1973 is 57%
1974 byte-data

Serialization and deserialization of numbers and strings.

https://github.com/rochars/byte-data MIT Rafael S. Rocha 2018-08-03 06:07:09 165% Badge level for project 1974 is 165%
1975 shiva

Modern C++ Engine with modularity

https://github.com/Milerius/shiva MIT Sztergbaum Roman 18% Badge level for project 1975 is 18%
1976 torchrl

Highly Modular and Scalable Reinforcement Learning

https://torchrl.sanyamkapoor.com Apache-2.0 Sanyam Kapoor 19% Badge level for project 1976 is 19%
1977 tikv

Distributed transactional key value database powered by Rust and Raft

https://github.com/pingcap/tikv Apache-2.0 Queeny 19% Badge level for project 1977 is 19%
1978 airship-in-a-bottle

Airship is a collection of interoperable and loosely coupled open source tools that provide automated cloud provisioning and management in a declarative way....

http://www.airshipit.org Apache-2.0 narendra choudhary 45% Badge level for project 1978 is 45%
1979 sympyle

Automatic differentiation in numpy

https://github.com/harveyslash/sympyle GPL-3.0 Harshvardhan Gupta 15% Badge level for project 1979 is 15%
1981 jenkins-max

Cloud based jenkins solution.

https://github.com/wenhao/jenkins-max Apache-2.0 Wen Hao 15% Badge level for project 1981 is 15%
1983 Hyperledger Indy

Hyperledger Indy

https://www.hyperledger.org/projects/hyperledger-indy Apache-2.0 Steven Gubler 2019-03-21 20:26:32 107% Badge level for project 1983 is 107%
1984 GDG-demo

Este es el código utilizado para la demo de la charla de Cordova + AngularJS + Ionic en el GDG de Madrid

https://github.com/AppsLive/GDG-demo Geoffrey Porto 10% Badge level for project 1984 is 10%
1985 wurst-jar-wrapper

Windows executable wrapper for the wurstscript.jar

https://github.com/wurstscript/wurst-jar-wrapper MIT Cokemonkey11 88% Badge level for project 1985 is 88%
1986 repoSpanner

Distributed Git storage server

https://repospanner.org BSD-3-Clause Patrick Uiterwijk 69% Badge level for project 1986 is 69%
1987 test

reservation system for holiday home

https://github.com/SRodi/test SRodi 3% Badge level for project 1987 is 3%
1989 training https://gitlab.com/hadooc/training Borni DHIFI 3% Badge level for project 1989 is 3%
1990 sas-text https://github.com/saslamp/sas-text MIT Abubakar Sambo 15% Badge level for project 1990 is 15%
1991 material-ui-pickers

Components, that implements material design date and time pickers for material-ui v1

https://material-ui-pickers.firebaseapp.com MIT Dmitriy Kovalenko 25% Badge level for project 1991 is 25%
1994 airship-armada

An orchestrator for managing a collection of Kubernetes Helm charts.

https://www.airshipit.org Apache-2.0 Sam Pilla 79% Badge level for project 1994 is 79%
1995 contrib

Contributed stuff for munin (plugins, tools, etc...)

http://munin-monitoring.org Marcos A L M Macedo 9% Badge level for project 1995 is 9%
1996 argbash

Bash argument parsing code generator

https://argbash.io BSD-3-Clause Matěj Týč 39% Badge level for project 1996 is 39%
1997 gen_rmq

Elixir AMQP consumer and publisher behaviours

https://github.com/meltwater/gen_rmq MIT Mateusz Korszun 18% Badge level for project 1997 is 18%
1998 ludwig

A lattice Boltzmann code for complex fluids

https://github.com/ludwig-cf/ludwig BSD-3-Clause ludwig-cf 70% Badge level for project 1998 is 70%
1999 eotc-helper

Education Outside the Classroom Helper is a Rails app for helping teachers organise class trips, without lots of paperwork.

https://github.com/SpotswoodCollege/eotc-helper MIT microlith57 75% Badge level for project 1999 is 75%
2000 design_patterns_in_typescript

design patterns in typescript

https://github.com/Aastasia/design_patterns_in_typescript MIT Ears 16% Badge level for project 2000 is 16%
2001 APhotoManager

Manage local photos on Android: gallery, geotag with photomap, privacy, tags, find, sort, view, copy, send, ... .

https://github.com/k3b/APhotoManager GPL-3.0 k3b 58% Badge level for project 2001 is 58%
2003 staticdeploy

Deploy and configure your static apps with ease

https://staticdeploy.io MIT Paolo Scanferla 91% Badge level for project 2003 is 91%
2004 dot https://github.com/LEI/dot GPL-3.0-or-later Guillaume 16% Badge level for project 2004 is 16%
2005 Goo

Object oriented library as alternative to Java util static functions and Streams

https://github.com/NicharNET/Goo MIT Nikolas Charalambidis 18% Badge level for project 2005 is 18%
2006 jsonrpc

A simple go implementation of json rpc 2.0 client over http

https://github.com/ybbus/jsonrpc MIT Alexander Gehres 15% Badge level for project 2006 is 15%

The "tiered %" field shows 300% for gold, 200% for silver, and 100% for passing, and adds progress after the highest-earned badge. You can also sort by the following: repository URL, create time (for the badge entry), last update time (for the badge entry), na kitambulisho cha mtumiaji