Miradi 7358

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Kitambulisho Jina Maelezo Tovuti Leseni Mmiliki Mpato wa mwisho ulikua Vipimo% Badge
3019 dpd

SDK for integration with DPD Russia IS

https://www.dpd.ru/dpd/integration/integration.do2 GPL-3.0 Kirill Shagin 15% Badge level for project 3019 is 15%
3020 libtorrent

an efficient feature complete C++ bittorrent implementation

https://www.libtorrent.org BSD-3-Clause Arvid Norberg 2019-07-30 06:32:38 124% Badge level for project 3020 is 124%
3021 fledge

Fledge: A CI/CD tool for Flutter

https://mmcc007.github.io/fledge MIT Maurice McCabe 49% Badge level for project 3021 is 49%
3022 hack-showcase

The repository for a new Kyma showcase prepared by Hack Team

Apache-2.0 Kamil Sputo 16% Badge level for project 3022 is 16%
3023 IlkiKube

Kubernetes Ansible based Distribution. This project is aimed to deploy and manage a Kubernetes Cluster.

https://github.com/pierreilki/IlkiKube Apache-2.0 pierre 84% Badge level for project 3023 is 84%
3024 Terpene Profile Parser for Cannabis Strains

Parser and database to index the terpene profile of different strains of Cannabis from online databases

https://maxvalue.github.io/Terpene-Profile-Parser-for-Cannabis-Strains MIT Max Fuxjäger 70% Badge level for project 3024 is 70%
3025 igo

Golang 开发辅助工具

https://github.com/iceopen/igo MIT iceinto 25% Badge level for project 3025 is 25%
3026 github-slideshow

A robot powered training repository

https://lab.github.com/githubtraining/introduction-to-github Cyber 10% Badge level for project 3026 is 10%
3027 angel

A Flexible and Powerful Parameter Server for large-scale machine learning

https://github.com/wangcaihua/angel OTHER fitzwang 16% Badge level for project 3027 is 16%
3028 billboard.js

Re-usable, easy interface JavaScript chart library based on D3 v4+

https://naver.github.io/billboard.js MIT Jae Sung Park 94% Badge level for project 3028 is 94%
3029 ecxx

ECXX is Entity Component System library for C++17 inspired by EnTT....

https://gitlab.com/eliasku/ecxx eliasku 3% Badge level for project 3029 is 3%
3030 builder-ubuntu https://gitlab.com/omegaoperationsection/dockerimages/build/builder-ubuntu nlucansk 3% Badge level for project 3030 is 3%
3031 Doombox

Music player for your unwieldy music collection

https://github.com/chronoDave/Doombox GPL-3.0 Chronocide 40% Badge level for project 3031 is 40%
3032 go-npm

Distribute and install Go binaries via NPM

https://github.com/sanathkr/go-npm Apache-2.0 Sanath Kumar Ramesh 15% Badge level for project 3032 is 15%
3033 sylph

Runs Flutter integration tests on real devices in cloud.

https://github.com/mmcc007/sylph GPL-3.0 Maurice McCabe 85% Badge level for project 3033 is 85%
3034 konak

Virtualization and Container Management Tool

https://github.com/k8screen/konak Apache-2.0 Dorukhan Gülöz 15% Badge level for project 3034 is 15%
3037 specific-package-manager

Package/Dependence manager for specifical project

https://github.com/charoleizer/specific-package-manager Victor Zanella 24% Badge level for project 3037 is 24%
3038 RethinkDB

The open-source database for the realtime web.

https://rethinkdb.com Apache-2.0 Christina Keelan Cottrell 2019-09-04 19:32:47 107% Badge level for project 3038 is 107%
3039 aventuremoderneapp https://gitlab.com/chrstphrlfy/aventuremoderneapp Christopher 3% Badge level for project 3039 is 3%
3040 tinyweb

Simple and lightweight HTTP async server for micropython

https://github.com/belyalov/tinyweb MIT Konstantin Belyalov 46% Badge level for project 3040 is 46%
3041 imagineOCR

Imagine: An open-source OCR for everyone.

https://github.com/marcoistasy/imagineOCR GPL-3.0 Marco Istasy 15% Badge level for project 3041 is 15%
3042 angular-app

Reference application for AngularJS

https://github.com/dkovi2020/angular-app MIT dkovi2020 15% Badge level for project 3042 is 15%
3043 mix.core

✔ Simple to Advance and lovely open source ASP.NET core / dotnet core CMS

https://mixcore.org GPL-3.0 Huy Nguyen 24% Badge level for project 3043 is 24%
3044 egeria

Open Metadata and Governance

https://egeria-project.org Apache-2.0 Mandy Chessell 2020-08-20 09:29:41 296% Badge level for project 3044 is 296%
3045 Laminas Project

The Laminas Project is the continuation of Zend Framework, a PHP framework providing use-anywhere components, an MVC framework, and a middleware framework...

https://getlaminas.org BSD-3-Clause Matthew Weier O'Phinney 2019-08-08 16:26:22 105% Badge level for project 3045 is 105%
3046 ORCID-Hub-Integration https://github.com/nad2000/ORCID-Hub-Integration MIT Radomirs Cirskis 18% Badge level for project 3046 is 18%
3047 lf-portal https://github.com/LF-Engineering/lf-portal Ahmed Abdulmoniem 3% Badge level for project 3047 is 3%
3048 thanos

Highly available Prometheus setup with long term storage capabilities.

https://thanos.io Apache-2.0 Bartek Płotka 2020-01-27 21:07:27 283% Badge level for project 3048 is 283%
3049 golang-repo-template

A template for creating new Golang + Docker + Canonical Domain + Badges + Renovate + Golangci + Goreleaser + CircleCI + ...

https://manfred.life/golang Apache-2.0 Manfred Touron 27% Badge level for project 3049 is 27%
3050 gonetmon

A network activity monitor in Go.

https://github.com/bytemare/gonetmon GPL-3.0 Bytemare 16% Badge level for project 3050 is 16%

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