7358 Projects

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Id Name Description Website License Owner Last achieved at Tiered % Badge
6524 vuejs-pomodoro-timer-app https://github.com/TheJuanAndOnly99/vuejs-pomodoro-timer-app Juan Estrella 10% Badge level for project 6524 is 10%
6526 morphir

A universal language for business and technology

https://morphir.finos.org Apache-2.0 Stephen Goldbaum 2023-02-14 22:26:20 107% Badge level for project 6526 is 107%
6527 Tekton Triggers

Event triggering with Tekton!

https://github.com/tektoncd/triggers Apache-2.0 Dibyo Mukherjee 2022-10-04 14:21:07 113% Badge level for project 6527 is 113%
6528 virtink

Lightweight Virtualization Add-on for Kubernetes

https://github.com/smartxworks/virtink Apache-2.0 Feng Ye 19% Badge level for project 6528 is 19%
6529 modern_cpp

My solutions to the exercises mentioned in Modern C++ for Absolute Beginners by Slobodan Dmitrović

https://github.com/oneshepherdssheep/modern_cpp MIT One Shepherd's sheep 18% Badge level for project 6529 is 18%
6530 Stratus Red Team

Stratus Red Team is a purple teaming tool for the cloud, allowing to reproduce common attack techniques for AWS, Azure, GCP and Kubernetes.

https://stratus-red-team.cloud Apache-2.0 Christophe Tafani-Dereeper 2022-09-30 07:13:47 111% Badge level for project 6530 is 111%
6531 golang-utils

Helpers and utilities for Golang in order to do actions not available in the standard library.

Apache-2.0 Adrien CABARBAYE 2022-11-30 13:10:54 111% Badge level for project 6531 is 111%
6532 cagebreak

Cagebreak: A Wayland Tiling Compositor Inspired by Ratpoison

https://github.com/project-repo/cagebreak MIT project-repo 93% Badge level for project 6532 is 93%
6533 GrainLearning

GrainLearning is a Bayesian uncertainty quantification for discrete and continuum numerical models of granular materials, developed by various projects of...

https://grainlearning.readthedocs.io GPL-2.0 Luisa Orozco 75% Badge level for project 6533 is 75%
6534 wasmCloud https://github.com/wasmCloud/wasmCloud Brooks Townsend 3% Badge level for project 6534 is 3%
6535 uuid

A PHP library for generating universally unique identifiers (UUIDs).

https://uuid.ramsey.dev MIT Ben Ramsey 18% Badge level for project 6535 is 18%
6536 SimplestMQTT

Experimenting with very simple and small MQTT library

https://github.com/cobusve/SimplestMQTT Cobus van Eeden 10% Badge level for project 6536 is 10%
6537 kesun00

Config files for my GitHub profile.

https://github.com/kesun00 Ke Sun 10% Badge level for project 6537 is 10%
6538 freertos-ota-pal-psa https://github.com/LienNguyen2910/freertos-ota-pal-psa OTHER lienng_aws 13% Badge level for project 6538 is 13%
6539 skrooge

Skrooge allows you to manage your personal finances, powered by KDE. Thanks to its many features, it is one of the most powerful way to enter, follow, and...

https://skrooge.org GPL-3.0-or-later Stephane MANKOWSKI 2023-01-22 19:35:44 104% Badge level for project 6539 is 104%
6540 differential-shellcheck

GitHub Action for running ShellCheck differentially

https://github.com/redhat-plumbers-in-action/differential-shellcheck GPL-3.0-or-later Jan Macku 2022-12-06 13:20:43 109% Badge level for project 6540 is 109%
6541 Mit

Mit Test repo

https://github.com/AnkushCloud/Mit AnkushCloud 10% Badge level for project 6541 is 10%
6542 gec-bot

A Whatsapp bot that allows anybody to anonymously talk to members of the GEC

https://github.com/gender-equality-community/gec-bot MIT jspc 27% Badge level for project 6542 is 27%
6543 Tekton Dashboard

A dashboard for Tekton!

https://github.com/tektoncd/dashboard Apache-2.0 Andrea Frittoli 2022-10-04 16:06:55 156% Badge level for project 6543 is 156%
6544 qloudy

Qloudy is a Qt based gui weather application which uses the openweathermap API.

https://github.com/SMR76/qloudy MIT SMR 15% Badge level for project 6544 is 15%
6545 sns-payload-validator

Node.js library that validates an AWS SNS payload of an HTTP/S POST or Lambda.

https://github.com/devinstewart/sns-payload-validator MIT Devin Stewart 33% Badge level for project 6545 is 33%
6546 k8s-kong-ingress-secret-tls


https://github.com/alendwahida/k8s-kong-ingress-secret-tls Alend Wahida 10% Badge level for project 6546 is 10%
6547 ysshra

YSSHRA is the registration authority of YSSHCA (Yahoo SSHCA).

A service to authenticate the client and provision ephemeral SSH user certificate. Note:...

https://github.com/theparanoids/ysshra Apache-2.0 Hemil K 43% Badge level for project 6547 is 43%
6548 Tekton Operator

Kubernetes operator to manage installation, updation and uninstallation of tektoncd projects (pipeline, …)

https://github.com/tektoncd/operator Apache-2.0 Andrea Frittoli 2022-10-12 11:11:28 111% Badge level for project 6548 is 111%
6549 github-sectory

CLI for downloading sub-directory of any GitHub repository

https://github.com/amarlearning/github-sectory MIT Amar Prakash Pandey 15% Badge level for project 6549 is 15%
6550 ContainerSSH

ContainerSSH: Launch containers on demand

ContainerSSH launches a new container for each SSH connection in Kubernetes, Podman or Docker. The user is...

https://containerssh.io Apache-2.0 Nikos Tsipinakis 99% Badge level for project 6550 is 99%
6551 Userspace eBPF VM

This project aims to create an Apache-licensed library for executing eBPF programs. The primary implementation of eBPF lives in the Linux kernel, but due to...

https://github.com/iovisor/ubpf Apache-2.0 Alan Jowett 40% Badge level for project 6551 is 40%
6552 grafana-calendar-annotator

Generate Grafana Annotations from calendar events

https://github.com/cam-barts/grafana-calendar-annotator MIT Cam 82% Badge level for project 6552 is 82%
6554 docarray

🧬 The data structure for unstructured multimodal data · Neural Search · Vector Search · Document Store

https://github.com/docarray/docarray Apache-2.0 samsja 2022-10-07 11:17:13 300% Badge level for project 6554 is 300%
6555 InnerSource

A project designed to bootstrap the ideal Inner Source project, aligning to OSS best practices.

https://github.com/dclark-redhat/InnerSource MIT dclark-redhat 2022-10-05 10:48:02 104% Badge level for project 6555 is 104%

The "tiered %" field shows 300% for gold, 200% for silver, and 100% for passing, and adds progress after the highest-earned badge. You can also sort by the following: repository URL, create time (for the badge entry), last update time (for the badge entry) e user id