7358 Projects

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Id Name Description Website License Owner Last achieved at Tiered % Badge
7449 preprocess

Automatically exported from code.google.com/p/preprocess (Fixed for python3)

https://github.com/Zaryob/preprocess MIT Suleyman Poyraz 15% Badge level for project 7449 is 15%
7450 fast-check

Property based testing framework for JavaScript (like QuickCheck) written in TypeScript

https://fast-check.dev MIT Nicolas DUBIEN 2023-06-08 22:21:12 145% Badge level for project 7450 is 145%
7451 TranscribeAI https://github.com/TranscriptAI/TranscribeAI TranscriptAI 3% Badge level for project 7451 is 3%
7452 TranscribeAI https://github.com/TranscriptAI/TranscribeAI TranscriptAI 3% Badge level for project 7452 is 3%
7453 template Remko Molier 10% Badge level for project 7453 is 10%
7454 homedash

HomeDash is a simplistic, centralized and dynamic dashboard application for your container based home network.

https://github.com/mvdkleijn/homedash MPL-2.0 Martijn 85% Badge level for project 7454 is 85%
7455 go-simplequeue

Simple locking queue system with workers

https://github.com/mvdkleijn/go-simplequeue MPL-2.0 Martijn 15% Badge level for project 7455 is 15%
7456 fidodeviceonboard https://www.lfedge.org/projects/fidodeviceonboard Randy Templeton 3% Badge level for project 7456 is 3%
7457 CMake

CMake is a cross-platform, open-source build system generator.

https://www.cmake.org BSD-3-Clause Bill Hoffman 31% Badge level for project 7457 is 31%
7458 hyas

The all-in-one Hugo-npm framework. Fast, flexible, and easy-to-use.

https://gethyas.com MIT Henk Verlinde 30% Badge level for project 7458 is 30%
7459 doks

Build a custom, production-ready documentation website in no time.

https://getdoks.org MIT Henk Verlinde 16% Badge level for project 7459 is 16%
7460 infra.osbuild

Ansible Collection for management of ostree composer

https://github.com/redhat-cop/infra.osbuild GPL-3.0 Thom Carlin 97% Badge level for project 7460 is 97%
7461 circuit-knitting-toolbox

Tools for knitting quantum circuits

https://qiskit-extensions.github.io/circuit-knitting-toolbox Apache-2.0 Jim Garrison 24% Badge level for project 7461 is 24%
7462 service-identity

Service Identity Verification for Python

https://service-identity.readthedocs.io MIT Hynek Schlawack 2023-06-10 08:29:51 109% Badge level for project 7462 is 109%
7463 pixel-art-filter-web https://github.com/keke125/pixel-art-filter-web MIT keke125 18% Badge level for project 7463 is 18%
7465 adoptium.net


https://adoptium-v2.netlify.app Apache-2.0 George Adams 15% Badge level for project 7465 is 15%
7466 books-read

Data visualization of books read each year

https://github.com/slstarnes/books-read Luke Starnes 10% Badge level for project 7466 is 10%
7467 pywemo

Python module to discover and control WeMo devices.

https://github.com/pywemo/pywemo Portions of the project are released under MIT or BSD licences Eric Severance 2023-06-14 05:53:57 175% Badge level for project 7467 is 175%
7468 server

Secure PKI storage & management microservice

https://github.com/pki-vault/server MIT Nick Ufer 18% Badge level for project 7468 is 18%
7469 ksctl

Cloud Agnostic Kubernetes Management

https://ksctl.com Apache-2.0 Dipankar Das 2024-06-11 05:48:48 104% Badge level for project 7469 is 104%
7470 MOD17

Code for comprehensive calibration, validation, sensitivity, and uncertainty analysis of MOD17 algorithm

https://github.com/arthur-e/MOD17 MIT K. Arthur Endsley 15% Badge level for project 7470 is 15%
7471 vm-images

VM Images

https://github.com/sanselme/vm-images GPL-3.0 Schubert Anselme 15% Badge level for project 7471 is 15%
7472 DynDNS_Cloudflare_IPv4-6

Bash script to update IPv4 and IPv6 records in Cloudflare. Update with WAN or LAN IP.

https://github.com/jmrplens/DynDNS_Cloudflare_IPv4-6 GPL-3.0 José M. Requena Plens 93% Badge level for project 7472 is 93%
7474 django-hostutils

host utilities for django projects

https://github.com/djangoaddicts/django-hostutils GPL-3.0 David 2024-01-01 02:06:21 111% Badge level for project 7474 is 111%
7475 knuu

Integration Test Framework

https://github.com/celestiaorg/knuu Apache-2.0 smuu 13% Badge level for project 7475 is 13%
7476 vervet https://github.com/w3security/vervet OTHER Cyber OS Lab. 16% Badge level for project 7476 is 16%
7477 w3artifact https://github.com/w3security/w3artifact Apache-2.0 Cyber OS Lab. 16% Badge level for project 7477 is 16%
7478 w3recon

W3Recon is an automated reconnaissance framework for web applications with a focus on highly configurable streamlined recon process via Engines.

https://github.com/w3security/w3recon GPL-3.0 Cyber OS Lab. 18% Badge level for project 7478 is 18%
7479 SamuraiWTF

The main SamuraiWTF collaborative distro repo.

https://owasp.org/www-project-samuraiwtf/#SamuraiWTF_Project LGPL-3.0 Kevin Johnson 2023-06-28 14:56:25 107% Badge level for project 7479 is 107%
7480 bidspm

an SPM centric BIDS app

https://bidspm.readthedocs.io/en/latest/general_information.html GPL-3.0 Remi Gau 21% Badge level for project 7480 is 21%

The "tiered %" field shows 300% for gold, 200% for silver, and 100% for passing, and adds progress after the highest-earned badge. You can also sort by the following: repository URL, create time (for the badge entry), last update time (for the badge entry), and user id